For more information about how the rapidtide library can be used, please see the API page. Common rapidtide workflows can also be called from the command line.


Before talking about the individual programs, in the 2.0 release and going forward, I’ve tried to adhere to some common principals, across all program, to make them easier to understand and maintain, and more interoperable with other programs, and to simplify using the outputs.

BIDS Outputs

By default, all outputs are in BIDS compatible formats (this is most true for rapidtide and happy, which get the majority of the work, but the goal is to eventually make all the programs in the package conform to this). The two major ramifications of this are that I have tried to follow BIDS naming conventions for NIFTI, json, and text files containing time series. Also, all text files are by default BIDS continuous timeseries files - data is in compressed, tab separated column format (.tsv.gz), with the column names, sample rate, and start time, in the accompanying .json sidecar file.

Text Inputs

A side effect of moving to BIDS is that I’ve now made a standardized interface for reading text data into programs in the package to handle many different types of file. In general, now if you are asked for a timeseries, you can supply it in any of the following ways:

A plain text file with one or more columns.

You can specify any subset of columns in any order by adding “:colspec” to the end of the filename. “colspec” is a column specification consisting of one or more comma separated “column ranges”. A “column range” is either a single column number or a hyphen separated minimum and maximum column number. The first column in a file is column 0.

For example specifying, “mytextfile.txt:5-6,2,0,10-12”

would return an array containing all the timepoints from columns 5, 6, 2, 0, 10, 11, and 12 from mytextfile.txt, in that order. Not specifying “:colspec” returns all the columns in the file, in order.

If the program in question requires the actual sample rate, this can be specified using the --samplerate or --sampletime flags. Otherwise 1.0Hz is assumed.

A BIDS continuous file with one or more columns.

BIDS files have names for each column, so these are used in column specification. For these files, “colspec” is a comma separated list of one or more column names:


would return the two named columns “cardiac” and “respiration” from the accompanying .tsv.gz file. Not specifying “:colspec” returns all the columns in the file, in order.

Because BIDS continuous files require sample rate and start time to be specified in the sidecar file, these quantities will now already be set. Using the --samplerate, --sampletime or --starttime flags will override any header values, if specified.

Visualizing files

Any output NIFTI file can be visualized in your favorite NIFTI viewer. I like FSLeyes, part of FSL. It’s flexible and fast, and has lots of options for displaying 3 and 4D NIFTI files.

While there may be nice, general graphing tools for BIDS timeseries files, I wrote “showtc” many years ago, a matplotlib based file viewer with lots of nice tweaks to make pretty and informative graphs of various rapidtide input and output files. It’s part of rapidtide, and pretty easy to learn. Just type “showtc” with no arguments to get the options.

As an example, after running happy, if you want to see the derived cardiac waveform, you’d run:

showtc \
    happytest_desc-slicerescardfromfmri_timeseries.json:cardiacfromfmri,cardiacfromfmri_dlfiltered \
    --format separate



The central program in this package is rapidtide. This is the program that calculates a similarity function between a “probe” signal and every voxel of a BOLD fMRI dataset. It then determines the peak value, time delay, and wi dth of the similarity function to determine when and how strongly that probe signal appears in each voxel.

At its core, rapidtide is simply performing a full crosscorrelation between a “probe” timecourse and every voxel in an fMRI dataset (by “full” I mean over a range of time lags that account for any delays between the signals, rather than only at zero lag, as in a Pearson correlation). As with many things, however, the devil is in the details, and so rapidtide provides a number of features which make it pretty good at this particular task. A few highlights:

  • There are lots of ways to do something even as simple as a cross-correlation in a nonoptimal way (not windowing, improper normalization, doing it in the time rather than frequency domain, etc.). I’m pretty sure what rapidtide does by default is, if not the best way, at least a very good and very fast way.

  • rapidtide has been optimized and profiled to speed it up quite a bit; it has an optional dependency on numba – if it’s installed, some of the most heavily used routines will speed up significantly due to judicious use of @jit.

  • The sample rate of your probe regressor and the fMRI data do not have to match - rapidtide resamples the probe regressor to an integral multiple of the fMRI data rate automatically.

  • The probe and data can be temporally prefiltered to the LFO, respiratory, or cardiac frequency band with a command line switch, or you can specify any low, high, or bandpass range you want.

  • The data can be spatially smoothed at runtime (so you don’t have to keep smoothed versions of big datasets around). This is quite fast, so no reason not to do it this way.

  • rapidtide can generate a probe regressor from the global mean of the data itself - no externally recorded timecourse is required. Optionally you can input both a mask of regions that you want to be included in the mean, and the voxels that you want excluded from the mean (there are situations when you might want to do one or the other or both).

  • Determining the significance threshold for filtered correlations where the optimal delay has been selected is nontrivial; using the conventional formulae for the significance of a correlation leads to wildly inflated p values. rapidtide estimates the spurious correlation threshold by calculating the distribution of null correlation values obtained with a shuffling procedure at the beginning of each run (the default is to use 10000 shuffled correlations), and uses this value to mask the correlation maps it calculates. As of version 0.1.2 it will also handle two-tailed significance, which you need when using bipolar mode.

  • rapidtide can do an iterative refinement of the probe regressor by aligning the voxel timecourses in time and regenerating the test regressor.

  • rapidtide fits the peak of the correlation function, so you can make fine grained distinctions between close lag times. The resolution of the time lag discrimination is set by the length of the timecourse, not the timestep – this is a feature of correlations, not rapidtide.

  • Once the time delay in each voxel has been found, rapidtide outputs a 4D file of delayed probe regressors for using as voxel specific confound regressors or to estimate the strength of the probe regressor in each voxel. This regression is performed by default, but these outputs let you do it yourself if you are so inclined.

  • I’ve put a lot of effort into making the outputs as informative as possible - lots of useful maps, histograms, timecourses, etc.

  • There are a lot of tuning parameters you can mess with if you feel the need. I’ve tried to make intelligent defaults so things will work well out of the box, but you have the ability to set most of the interesting parameters yourself.


At a minimum, rapidtide needs a data file to work on (space by time), which is generally thought to be a BOLD fMRI data file. This can be Nifti1 or Nifti2 (for fMRI data, in which case it is time by up to 3 spatial dimensions) or a whitespace separated text file (for NIRS data, each column is a time course, each row a separate channel); I can currently read (probably) but not write Cifti files, so if you want to use grayordinate files you need to convert them to nifti2 in workbench, run rapidtide, then convert back. As soon as nibabel finishes their Cifti support (EDIT: and I get around to figuring it out), I’ll add that.

The file needs one time dimension and at least one spatial dimension. Internally, the array is flattened to a time by voxel array for simplicity.

The file you input here should be the result of any preprocessing you intend to do. The expectation is that rapidtide will be run as the last preprocessing step before resting state or task based analysis. So any slice time correction, motion correction, spike removal, etc. should already have been done. If you use FSL, this means that if you’ve run preprocessing, you would use the filtered_func_data.nii.gz file as input. Temporal and spatial filtering are the two (partial) exceptions here. Generally rapidtide is most useful for looking at low frequency oscillations, so when you run it, you usually use the --filterband lfo option or some other to limit the analysis to the detection and removal of low frequency systemic physiological oscillations. So rapidtide will generally apply it’s own temporal filtering on top of whatever you do in preprocessing. Also, you have the option of doing spatial smoothing in rapidtide to boost the SNR of the analysis; the hemodynamic signals rapidtide looks for are often very smooth, so you rather than smooth your functional data excessively, you can do it within rapidtide so that only the hemodynamic data is smoothed at that level.


Outputs are space or space by time NIFTI or text files, depending on what the input data file was, and some text files containing textual information, histograms, or numbers. File formats and naming follow BIDS conventions for derivative data for fMRI input data. Output spatial dimensions and file type match the input dimensions and file type (Nifti1 in, Nifti1 out). Depending on the file type of map, there can be no time dimension, a time dimension that matches the input file, or something else, such as a time lag dimension for a correlation map.

BIDS Outputs:




When present


.nii.gz, .json

Time of offset of the maximum of the similarity function



.tsv, .json

Histogram of the maxtime map



.nii.gz, .json

Maximum similarity function value (usually the correlation coefficient, R)



.tsv, .json

Histogram of the maxcorr map



.nii.gz, .json

Maximum similarity function value, squared



.tsv, .json

Histogram of the maxcorrsq map



.nii.gz, .json

Width of the maximum of the similarity function



.tsv, .json

Histogram of the maxwidth map



.nii.gz, .json

Mean transit time (estimated)




Mask showing where the similarity function fit succeeded



.nii.gz, .json

A numerical code giving the reason a peak could not be found (0 if fit succeeded)




Values used for correlation peak fitting




A detailed dump of all internal variables in the program. Useful for debugging and data provenance



.nii.gz, .json

Filtered BOLD dataset after removing moving regressor

If GLM filtering is enabled (default)


.nii.gz, .json

Scaled, voxelwise delayed moving regressor that has been removed from the dataset

If GLM filtering is enabled (default) and --nolimitoutput is selected



Magnitude of the delayed sLFO regressor from GLM filter

If GLM filtering is enabled (default)



Mean value over time, from GLM fit

If GLM filtering is enabled (default)



GLM filter coefficient, divided by the voxel mean over time

If GLM filtering is enabled (default)



R value for the GLM fit in the voxel

If GLM filtering is enabled (default)



R value for the GLM fit in the voxel, squared. Multiply by 100 to get percentage variance explained

If GLM filtering is enabled (default)



Cerebrovascular response, in units of % BOLD per unit of the supplied regressor (probably mmHg)

If CVR mapping is enabled



R value for the CVR map fit in the voxel

If CVR mapping is enabled



R value for the CVR map fit in the voxel, squared. Multiply by 100 to get percentage variance explained

If CVR mapping is enabled



Mask of all voxels in which the similarity function is calculated




Mask of voxels used to calculate the global mean signal

This file will exist if no external regressor is specified



Mask of voxels used in the last estimate a refined version of the probe regressor

Present if passes > 1



Mask of the last set of voxels that had their time delays adjusted due to autocorrelations in the probe regressor

Present if despecklepasses > 0



Full similarity function over the search range




Gaussian fit to similarity function peak over the search range



.tsv, .json

Autocorrelation of the probe regressor for each pass



.tsv, .json

Null correlations from the significance estimation for each pass

Present if --numnull > 0


.tsv, .json

Histogram of the distribution of null correlation values for each pass

Present if --numnull > 0



Voxels where the maxcorr value exceeds the p < 0.05 significance level

Present if --numnull > 0



Voxels where the maxcorr value exceeds the p < 0.01 significance level

Present if --numnull > 0



Voxels where the maxcorr value exceeds the p < 0.005 significance level

Present if --numnull > 0



Voxels where the maxcorr value exceeds the p < 0.001 significance level

Present if --numnull > 0


.tsv, .json

Histogram of peak correlation times between probe and all voxels, over all time lags, for each pass



.tsv, .json

The raw and filtered initial probe regressor, at the original sampling resolution



.tsv, .json

The probe regressor used in each pass, at the time resolution of the data



.tsv, .json

The probe regressor used in each pass, at the time resolution used for calculating the similarity function



.tsv, .json

The raw and filtered probe regressor produced by the refinement procedure, at the time resolution of the data

Present if passes > 1


Perform a RIPTiDe time delay analysis on a dataset.

usage: rapidtide [-h] [--denoising | --delaymapping | --CVR]
                 [--venousrefine | --nirs]
                 [--datatstep TSTEP | --datafreq FREQ] [--noantialias]
                 [--invert] [--interptype {univariate,cubic,quadratic}]
                 [--offsettime OFFSETTIME] [--autosync]
                 [--filterband {None,vlf,lfo,resp,cardiac,hrv_ulf,hrv_vlf,hrv_lf,hrv_hf,hrv_vhf,lfo_legacy}]
                 [--filterfreqs LOWERPASS UPPERPASS]
                 [--filterstopfreqs LOWERSTOP UPPERSTOP]
                 [--filtertype {trapezoidal,brickwall,butterworth}]
                 [--butterorder ORDER] [--padseconds SECONDS]
                 [--permutationmethod {shuffle,phaserandom}] [--numnull NREPS]
                 [--windowfunc {hamming,hann,blackmanharris,None}]
                 [--nowindow] [--zeropadding PADVAL] [--detrendorder ORDER]
                 [--spatialfilt GAUSSSIGMA] [--globalmean]
                 [--globalmaskmethod {mean,variance}] [--globalpreselect]
                 [--globalmeaninclude MASK[:VALSPEC]]
                 [--globalmeanexclude MASK[:VALSPEC]] [--motionfile MOTFILE]
                 [--motpos] [--motderiv] [--motdelayderiv]
                 [--globalsignalmethod {sum,meanscale,pca}]
                 [--globalpcacomponents VALUE] [--slicetimes FILE]
                 [--numskip SKIP] [--timerange START END] [--nothresh]
                 [--oversampfac OVERSAMPFAC] [--regressor FILE]
                 [--regressorfreq FREQ | --regressortstep TSTEP]
                 [--regressorstart START]
                 [--corrweighting {None,phat,liang,eckart,regressor}]
                 [--corrtype {linear,circular}]
                 [--corrmaskthresh PCT | --corrmask MASK[:VALSPEC]]
                 [--similaritymetric {correlation,mutualinfo,hybrid}]
                 [--mutualinfosmoothingtime TAU] [--simcalcrange START END]
                 [--fixdelay DELAYTIME | --searchrange LAGMIN LAGMAX]
                 [--sigmalimit SIGMALIMIT] [--bipolar] [--nofitfilt]
                 [--peakfittype {gauss,fastgauss,quad,fastquad,COM,None}]
                 [--despecklepasses PASSES] [--despecklethresh VAL]
                 [--refineprenorm {None,mean,var,std,invlag}]
                 [--refineweighting {None,NIRS,R,R2}] [--passes PASSES]
                 [--refineinclude MASK[:VALSPEC]]
                 [--refineexclude MASK[:VALSPEC]] [--norefinedespeckled]
                 [--lagminthresh MIN] [--lagmaxthresh MAX] [--ampthresh AMP]
                 [--sigmathresh SIGMA] [--offsetinclude MASK[:VALSPEC]]
                 [--offsetexclude MASK[:VALSPEC]] [--norefineoffset]
                 [--psdfilter] [--pickleft] [--pickleftthresh THRESH]
                 [--refineupperlag | --refinelowerlag]
                 [--refinetype {pca,ica,weighted_average,unweighted_average}]
                 [--pcacomponents VALUE] [--convergencethresh THRESH]
                 [--maxpasses MAXPASSES] [--nolimitoutput] [--savelags]
                 [--histlen HISTLEN] [--glmsourcefile FILE] [--noglm]
                 [--preservefiltering] [--saveintermediatemaps]
                 [--calccoherence] [--version] [--detailedversion]
                 [--noprogressbar] [--checkpoint] [--wiener] [--spcalculation]
                 [--dpoutput] [--cifti] [--simulate] [--displayplots]
                 [--nonumba] [--nosharedmem] [--memprofile]
                 [--mklthreads MKLTHREADS] [--nprocs NPROCS] [--reservecpu]
                 [--infotag tagname tagvalue]
                 [--corrbaselinespatialsigma SIGMA]
                 [--corrbaselinetemphpfcutoff FREQ]
                 [--spatialtolerance EPSILON] [--echocancel]
                 [--autorespdelete] [--noisetimecourse FILENAME[:VALSPEC]]
                 [--noisefreq FREQ | --noisetstep TSTEP] [--noisestart START]
                 [--noiseinvert] [--acfix] [--negativegradient]
                 [--cleanrefined] [--dispersioncalc] [--tmask FILE] [--debug]
                 [--verbose] [--disabledockermemfix] [--alwaysmultiproc]
                 [--singleproc_getNullDist] [--singleproc_calcsimilarity]
                 [--singleproc_peakeval] [--singleproc_fitcorr]
                 [--singleproc_refine] [--singleproc_makelaggedtcs]
                 [--singleproc_glm] [--isatest]
                 in_file outputname

Positional Arguments


The input data file (BOLD fMRI file or NIRS text file).


The root name for the output files. For BIDS compliance, this can only contain valid BIDS entities from the source data.

Analysis type

Single arguments that change default values for many arguments. Any parameter set by an analysis type can be overridden by setting that parameter explicitly. Analysis types are mutually exclusive with one another.


Preset for hemodynamic denoising - this is a macro that sets lagmin=-10.0, lagmax=10.0, passes=3, despeckle_passes=4, refineoffset=True, peakfittype=gauss, doglmfilt=True. Any of these options can be overridden with the appropriate additional arguments.

Default: False


Preset for delay mapping analysis - this is a macro that sets lagmin=-10.0, lagmax=30.0, passes=3, despeckle_passes=4, refineoffset=True, pickleft=True, limitoutput=True, doglmfilt=False. Any of these options can be overridden with the appropriate additional arguments.

Default: False


Preset for calibrated CVR mapping. Given an input regressor that represents some measured quantity over time (e.g. mmHg CO2 in the EtCO2 trace), rapidtide will calculate and output a map of percent BOLD change in units of the input regressor. To do this, this sets:passes=1, despeckle_passes=4, lagmin=-10.0, lagmax=30.0, and calculates a voxelwise GLM using the optimally delayed input regressor and the percent normalized, demeaned BOLD data as inputs. This map is output as (XXX_desc-CVR_map.nii.gz). If no input regressor is supplied, this will generate an error. These options can be overridden with the appropriate additional arguments.

Default: False


Single arguments that change default values for many arguments. Macros override individually set parameters. Macros are mutually exclusive with one another.


This is a macro that sets lagminthresh=2.5, lagmaxthresh=6.0, ampthresh=0.5, and refineupperlag to bias refinement towards voxels in the draining vasculature for an fMRI scan.

Default: False


This is a NIRS analysis - this is a macro that sets nothresh, refineprenorm=var, ampthresh=0.7, and lagminthresh=0.1.

Default: False

Preprocessing options


Set the timestep of the data file to TSTEP. This will override the TR in an fMRI file. NOTE: if using data from a text file, for example with NIRS data, using one of these options is mandatory.

Default: auto


Set the timestep of the data file to 1/FREQ. This will override the TR in an fMRI file. NOTE: if using data from a text file, for example with NIRS data, using one of these options is mandatory.

Default: auto


Disable antialiasing filter.

Default: True


Invert the sign of the regressor before processing.

Default: False


Possible choices: univariate, cubic, quadratic

Use specified interpolation type. Options are “cubic”, “quadratic”, and “univariate”. Default is univariate.

Default: “univariate”


Apply offset OFFSETTIME to the lag regressors.

Default: 0.0


Estimate and apply the initial offsettime of an external regressor using the global crosscorrelation. Overrides offsettime if present.

Default: False


Set order of trend removal (0 to disable). Default is 3.

Default: 3


Spatially filter fMRI data prior to analysis using GAUSSSIGMA in mm. Set GAUSSSIGMA negative to have rapidtide set it to half the mean voxel dimension (a rule of thumb for a good value).

Default: 0.0


Generate a global mean regressor and use that as the reference regressor. If no external regressor is specified, this is enabled by default.

Default: False


Possible choices: mean, variance

Select whether to use timecourse mean or variance to mask voxels prior to generating global mean. Default is “mean”.

Default: “mean”


Treat this run as an initial pass to locate good candidate voxels for global mean regressor generation.

Default: False


Only use voxels in mask file NAME for global regressor generation (if VALSPEC is given, only voxels with integral values listed in VALSPEC are used).


Do not use voxels in mask file NAME for global regressor generation (if VALSPEC is given, only voxels with integral values listed in VALSPEC are excluded).


Read 6 columns of motion regressors out of MOTFILE file (.par or BIDS .json) (with timepoints rows) and regress their derivatives and delayed derivatives out of the data prior to analysis.


Toggle whether displacement regressors will be used in motion regression. Default is False.

Default: False


Toggle whether derivatives will be used in motion regression. Default is True.

Default: True


Toggle whether delayed derivative regressors will be used in motion regression. Default is False.

Default: False


Possible choices: sum, meanscale, pca

The method for constructing the initial global signal regressor - straight summation, mean scaling each voxel prior to summation, or MLE PCA of the voxels in the global signal mask. Default is “sum.”

Default: “sum”


Number of PCA components used for estimating the global signal. If VALUE >= 1, will retain thismany components. If 0.0 < VALUE < 1.0, enough components will be retained to explain the fraction VALUE of the total variance. If VALUE is negative, the number of components will be to retain will be selected automatically using the MLE method. Default is 0.8.

Default: 0.8


Apply offset times from FILE to each slice in the dataset.


SKIP TRs were previously deleted during preprocessing (e.g. if you have done your preprocessing in FSL and set dummypoints to a nonzero value.) Default is 0.

Default: 0


Limit analysis to data between timepoints START and END in the fmri file. If END is set to -1, analysis will go to the last timepoint. Negative values of START will be set to 0. Default is to use all timepoints.

Default: (-1, -1)


Disable voxel intensity threshold (especially useful for NIRS data).

Default: False

Filtering options


Possible choices: None, vlf, lfo, resp, cardiac, hrv_ulf, hrv_vlf, hrv_lf, hrv_hf, hrv_vhf, lfo_legacy

Filter data and regressors to specific band. Use “None” to disable filtering. Default is “lfo”.

Default: “lfo”


Filter data and regressors to retain LOWERPASS to UPPERPASS. If –filterstopfreqs is not also specified, LOWERSTOP and UPPERSTOP will be calculated automatically.


Filter data and regressors to with stop frequencies LOWERSTOP and UPPERSTOP. LOWERSTOP must be <= LOWERPASS, UPPERSTOP must be >= UPPERPASS. Using this argument requires the use of –filterfreqs.


Possible choices: trapezoidal, brickwall, butterworth

Filter data and regressors using a trapezoidal FFT, brickwall FFT, or butterworth bandpass filter. Default is “trapezoidal”.

Default: “trapezoidal”


Set order of butterworth filter (if used). Default is 6.

Default: 6


The number of seconds of padding to add to each end of a filtered timecourse to reduce end effects. Default is 30.0.

Default: 30.0

Significance calculation options


Possible choices: shuffle, phaserandom

Permutation method for significance testing. Default is “shuffle”.

Default: “shuffle”


Estimate significance threshold by running NREPS null correlations (default is 10000, set to 0 to disable).

Default: 10000


Do not fit significance histogram with a Johnson SB function.

Default: True

Windowing options


Possible choices: hamming, hann, blackmanharris, None

Window function to use prior to correlation. Options are hamming, hann, blackmanharris, and None. Default is hamming

Default: “hamming”


Disable precorrelation windowing.

Default: “hamming”


Pad input functions to correlation with PADVAL zeros on each side. A PADVAL of 0 does circular correlations, positive values reduce edge artifacts. Set PADVAL < 0 to set automatically. Default is 0.

Default: 0

Correlation options


Oversample the fMRI data by the following integral factor. Set to -1 for automatic selection (default).

Default: -1


Read the initial probe regressor from file FILE (if not specified, generate and use the global regressor).


Probe regressor in file has sample frequency FREQ (default is 1/tr) NB: –regressorfreq and –regressortstep) are two ways to specify the same thing.

Default: auto


Probe regressor in file has sample frequency FREQ (default is 1/tr) NB: –regressorfreq and –regressortstep) are two ways to specify the same thing.

Default: auto


The time delay in seconds into the regressor file, corresponding in the first TR of the fMRI file (default is 0.0).

Default: 0.0


Possible choices: None, phat, liang, eckart, regressor

Method to use for cross-correlation weighting. Default is “None”.

Default: “None”


Possible choices: linear, circular

Cross-correlation type (linear or circular). Default is “linear”.

Default: “linear”


Do correlations in voxels where the mean exceeds this percentage of the robust max. Default is 1.0.

Default: 1.0


Only do correlations in nonzero voxels in NAME (if VALSPEC is given, only voxels with integral values listed in VALSPEC are used).


Possible choices: correlation, mutualinfo, hybrid

Similarity metric for finding delay values. Choices are “correlation”, “mutualinfo”, and “hybrid”. Default is correlation.

Default: “correlation”


Time constant of a temporal smoothing function to apply to the mutual information function. Default is 3.0 seconds. TAU <=0.0 disables smoothing.

Default: 3.0


Limit correlation caculation to data between timepoints START and END in the fmri file. If END is set to -1, analysis will go to the last timepoint. Negative values of START will be set to 0. Default is to use all timepoints.

Default: (-1, -1)

Correlation fitting options


Don’t fit the delay time - set it to DELAYTIME seconds for all voxels.


Limit fit to a range of lags from LAGMIN to LAGMAX. Default is -30.0 to 30.0 seconds.

Default: (-30.0, 30.0)


Reject lag fits with linewidth wider than SIGMALIMIT Hz. Default is 1000.0 Hz.

Default: 1000.0


Bipolar mode - match peak correlation ignoring sign.

Default: False


Do not zero out peak fit values if fit fails.

Default: True


Possible choices: gauss, fastgauss, quad, fastquad, COM, None

Method for fitting the peak of the similarity function “gauss” performs a Gaussian fit, and is most accurate. “quad” and “fastquad” use a quadratic fit, which is faster, but not as well tested. Default is “gauss”.

Default: “gauss”


Detect and refit suspect correlations to disambiguate peak locations in PASSES passes. Default is to perform 4 passes. Set to 0 to disable.

Default: 4


Refit correlation if median discontinuity magnitude exceeds VAL. Default is 5.0 seconds.

Default: 5.0

Regressor refinement options


Possible choices: None, mean, var, std, invlag

Apply TYPE prenormalization to each timecourse prior to refinement. Default is “None”.

Default: “None”


Possible choices: None, NIRS, R, R2

Apply TYPE weighting to each timecourse prior to refinement. Default is “R2”.

Default: “R2”


Set the number of processing passes to PASSES. Default is 3.

Default: 3


Only use voxels in file MASK for regressor refinement (if VALSPEC is given, only voxels with integral values listed in VALSPEC are used).


Do not use voxels in file MASK for regressor refinement (if VALSPEC is given, voxels with integral values listed in VALSPEC are excluded).


Do not use despeckled pixels in calculating the refined regressor.

Default: True


For refinement, exclude voxels with delays less than MIN. Default is 0.5 seconds.

Default: 0.5


For refinement, exclude voxels with delays greater than MAX. Default is 5.0 seconds.

Default: 5.0


For refinement, exclude voxels with correlation coefficients less than AMP (default is 0.3). NOTE: ampthresh will automatically be set to the p<0.05 significance level determined by the –numnull option if NREPS is set greater than 0 and this is not manually specified.

Default: -1.0


For refinement, exclude voxels with widths greater than SIGMA seconds. Default is 100.0 seconds.

Default: 100.0


Only use voxels in file MASK for determining the zero time offset value (if VALSPEC is given, only voxels with integral values listed in VALSPEC are used).


Do not use voxels in file MASK for determining the zero time offset value (if VALSPEC is given, voxels with integral values listed in VALSPEC are excluded).


Disable realigning refined regressor to zero lag.

Default: True


Apply a PSD weighted Wiener filter to shifted timecourses prior to refinement.

Default: False


Will select the leftmost delay peak when setting the refine offset.

Default: False


Threshhold value (fraction of maximum) in a histogram to be considered the start of a peak. Default is 0.33.

Default: 0.33


Only use positive lags for regressor refinement.

Default: “both”


Only use negative lags for regressor refinement.

Default: “both”


Possible choices: pca, ica, weighted_average, unweighted_average

Method with which to derive refined regressor. Default is “pca”.

Default: “pca”


Number of PCA components used for refinement. If VALUE >= 1, will retain this many components. If 0.0 < VALUE < 1.0, enough components will be retained to explain the fraction VALUE of the total variance. If VALUE is negative, the number of components will be to retain will be selected automatically using the MLE method. Default is 0.8.

Default: 0.8


Continue refinement until the MSE between regressors becomes <= THRESH. By default, this is not set, so refinement will run for the specified number of passes.


Terminate refinement after MAXPASSES passes, whether or not convergence has occured. Default is 15.

Default: 15

Output options


Save some of the large and rarely used files.

Default: True


Save a table of lagtimes used.

Default: False


Change the histogram length to HISTLEN. Default is 101.

Default: 101


Regress delayed regressors out of FILE instead of the initial fmri file used to estimate delays.


Turn off GLM filtering to remove delayed regressor from each voxel (disables output of fitNorm).

Default: True


Don’t reread data prior to performing GLM.

Default: False


Save lag times, strengths, widths, and mask for each pass.

Default: False


Calculate and save the coherence between the final regressor and the data.

Default: False

Version options


show program’s version number and exit


show program’s version number and exit

Miscellaneous options


Will disable showing progress bars (helpful if stdout is going to a file).

Default: True


Enable run checkpoints.

Default: False


Do Wiener deconvolution to find voxel transfer function.

Default: False


Use single precision for internal calculations (may be useful when RAM is limited).

Default: “double”


Use double precision for output files.

Default: “single”


Data file is a converted CIFTI.

Default: False


Simulate a run - just report command line options.

Default: False


Display plots of interesting timecourses.

Default: False


Disable jit compilation with numba.

Default: False


Disable use of shared memory for large array storage.

Default: True


Enable memory profiling - warning: this slows things down a lot.

Default: False


Use no more than MKLTHREADS worker threads in accelerated numpy calls.

Default: 1


Use NPROCS worker processes for multiprocessing. Setting NPROCS to less than 1 sets the number of worker processes to n_cpus (unless –reservecpu is used).

Default: 1


When automatically setting nprocs, reserve one CPU for process management rather than using them all for worker threads.

Default: False


Additional key, value pairs to add to the options json file (useful for tracking analyses).

Experimental options (not fully tested, may not work)


Spatial lowpass kernel, in mm, for filtering the correlation function baseline.

Default: 0.0


Temporal highpass cutoff, in Hz, for filtering the correlation function baseline.

Default: 0.0


When checking to see if the spatial dimensions of two NIFTI files match, allow a relative difference of EPSILON in any dimension. By default, this is set to 0.0, requiring an exact match.

Default: 0.0


Attempt to perform echo cancellation.

Default: False


Attempt to detect and remove respiratory signal that strays into the LFO band.

Default: False


Find and remove any instance of the timecourse supplied from any regressors used for analysis. (if VALSPEC is given, and there are multiple timecourses in the file, use the indicated timecourse.This can be the name of the regressor if it’s in the file, or the column number).


Noise timecourse in file has sample frequency FREQ (default is 1/tr) NB: –noisefreq and –noisetstep) are two ways to specify the same thing.

Default: auto


Noise timecourse in file has sample frequency FREQ (default is 1/tr) NB: –noisefreq and –noisetstep) are two ways to specify the same thing.

Default: auto


The time delay in seconds into the noise timecourse file, corresponding in the first TR of the fMRI file (default is 0.0).

Default: 0.0


Invert noise regressor prior to alignment.

Default: False


Check probe regressor for autocorrelations in order to disambiguate peak location.

Default: False


Calculate the negative gradient of the fmri data after spectral filtering so you can look for CSF flow à la

Default: False


Perform additional processing on refined regressor to remove spurious components.

Default: False


Generate extra data during refinement to allow calculation of dispersion.

Default: False


Only correlate during epochs specified in MASKFILE (NB: each line of FILE contains the time and duration of an epoch to include.

Debugging options. You probably don’t want to use any of these unless I ask you to to help diagnose a problem


Enable additional debugging output.

Default: False


Enable additional runtime information output.

Default: False


Disable docker memory limit setting.

Default: True


Use the multiprocessing code path even when nprocs=1.

Default: False


Force single proc path for getNullDist.

Default: False


Force single proc path for calcsimilarity.

Default: False


Force single proc path for peakeval.

Default: False


Force single proc path for fitcorr.

Default: False


Force single proc path for refine.

Default: False


Force single proc path for makelaggedtcs.

Default: False


Force single proc path for glm.

Default: False


This run of rapidtide is in a unit test.

Default: False

Legacy interface:

For compatibility with old workflows, rapidtide can be called using legacy syntax by using “rapidtide2x_legacy”. Although the underlying code is the same, not all options are settable from the legacy interface. This interface is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of rapidtide, so please convert existing workflows.

usage:  rapidtide2x_legacy  datafilename outputname
[-r LAGMIN,LAGMAX] [-s SIGMALIMIT] [-a] [--nowindow] [--phat] [--liang] [--eckart] [-f GAUSSSIGMA] [-O oversampfac] [-t TSTEP] [--datatstep=TSTEP] [--datafreq=FREQ] [-d] [-b] [-V] [-L] [-R] [-C] [-F LOWERFREQ,UPPERFREQ[,LOWERSTOP,UPPERSTOP]] [-o OFFSETTIME] [--autosync] [-T] [-p] [-P] [-B] [-h HISTLEN] [-i INTERPTYPE] [-I] [-Z DELAYTIME] [--nofitfilt] [--searchfrac=SEARCHFRAC] [-N NREPS] [--motionfile=MOTFILE] [--pickleft] [--numskip=SKIP] [--refineweighting=TYPE] [--refineprenorm=TYPE] [--passes=PASSES] [--refinepasses=PASSES] [--excluderefine=MASK] [--includerefine=MASK] [--includemean=MASK] [--excludemean=MASK][--lagminthresh=MIN] [--lagmaxthresh=MAX] [--ampthresh=AMP] [--sigmathresh=SIGMA] [--corrmask=MASK] [--corrmaskthresh=PCT] [--refineoffset] [--pca] [--ica] [--weightedavg] [--avg] [--psdfilter] [--noprogressbar] [--despecklethresh=VAL] [--despecklepasses=PASSES] [--dispersioncalc] [--refineupperlag] [--refinelowerlag] [--nosharedmem] [--tmask=MASKFILE] [--limitoutput] [--motionfile=FILENAME[:COLSPEC] [--softlimit] [--timerange=START,END] [--skipsighistfit] [--accheck] [--acfix][--numskip=SKIP] [--slicetimes=FILE] [--glmsourcefile=FILE] [--regressorfreq=FREQ] [--regressortstep=TSTEP][--regressor=FILENAME] [--regressorstart=STARTTIME] [--usesp] [--peakfittype=FITTYPE] [--mklthreads=NTHREADS] [--nprocs=NPROCS] [--nirs] [--venousrefine]

Required arguments:
    datafilename               - The input data file (BOLD fmri file or NIRS)
    outputname                 - The root name for the output files

Optional arguments:
    Arguments are processed in order of appearance.  Later options can override ones earlier on
    the command line

    --venousrefine                 - This is a macro that sets --lagminthresh=2.5, --lagmaxthresh=6.0,
                                     --ampthresh=0.5, and --refineupperlag to bias refinement towards
                                     voxels in the draining vasculature for an fMRI scan.
    --nirs                         - This is a NIRS analysis - this is a macro that sets --nothresh,
                                     --preservefiltering, --refinenorm=var, --ampthresh=0.7,
                                     and --lagminthresh=0.1.

Preprocessing options:
    -t TSTEP,                      - Set the timestep of the data file to TSTEP (or 1/FREQ)
      --datatstep=TSTEP,             This will override the TR in an fMRI file.
      --datafreq=FREQ                NOTE: if using data from a text file, for example with
                                     NIRS data, using one of these options is mandatory.
    -a                             - Disable antialiasing filter
    --detrendorder=ORDER           - Set order of trend removal (0 to disable, default is 1 - linear)
    -I                             - Invert the sign of the regressor before processing
    -i                             - Use specified interpolation type (options are 'cubic',
                                     'quadratic', and 'univariate (default)')
    -o                             - Apply an offset OFFSETTIME to the lag regressors
    --autosync                     - Calculate and apply offset time of an external regressor from
                                     the global crosscorrelation.  Overrides offsettime if specified.
    -b                             - Use butterworth filter for band splitting instead of
                                     trapezoidal FFT filter
                                   - Filter data and regressors from LOWERFREQ to UPPERFREQ.
                                     LOWERSTOP and UPPERSTOP can be specified, or will be
                                     calculated automatically
    -V                             - Filter data and regressors to VLF band
    -L                             - Filter data and regressors to LFO band
    -R                             - Filter data and regressors to respiratory band
    -C                             - Filter data and regressors to cardiac band
    --padseconds=SECONDS           - Set the filter pad time to SECONDS seconds.  Default
                                     is 30.0
    -N NREPS                       - Estimate significance threshold by running NREPS null
                                     correlations (default is 10000, set to 0 to disable).  If you are
                                     running multiple passes, 'ampthresh' will be set to the 0.05 significance.
                                     level unless it is manually specified (see below).
    --permutationmethod=METHOD     - Method for permuting the regressor for significance estimation.  Default
                                     is shuffle
    --skipsighistfit               - Do not fit significance histogram with a Johnson SB function
    --windowfunc=FUNC              - Use FUNC window funcion prior to correlation.  Options are
                                     hamming (default), hann, blackmanharris, and None
    --nowindow                     - Disable precorrelation windowing
    -f GAUSSSIGMA                  - Spatially filter fMRI data prior to analysis using
                                     GAUSSSIGMA in mm
    -M                             - Generate a global mean regressor and use that as the
                                     reference regressor
                                   - Only use voxels in NAME for global regressor generation (if VALSPEC is
                                     given, only voxels with integral values listed in VALSPEC are used.)
                                   - Do not use voxels in NAME for global regressor generation (if VALSPEC is
                                     given, only voxels with integral values listed in VALSPEC are used.)
    -m                             - Mean scale regressors during global mean estimation
    --slicetimes=FILE              - Apply offset times from FILE to each slice in the dataset
    --numskip=SKIP                 - SKIP tr's were previously deleted during preprocessing (e.g. if you
                                     have done your preprocessing in FSL and set dummypoints to a
                                     nonzero value.) Default is 0.
    --timerange=START,END          - Limit analysis to data between timepoints START
                                     and END in the fmri file. If END is set to -1,
                                     analysis will go to the last timepoint.  Negative values
                                     of START will be set to 0. Default is to use all timepoints.
    --nothresh                     - Disable voxel intensity threshold (especially useful
                                     for NIRS data)
    --motionfile=MOTFILE[:COLSPEC] - Read 6 columns of motion regressors out of MOTFILE text file.
                                     (with timepoints rows) and regress their derivatives
                                     and delayed derivatives out of the data prior to analysis.
                                     If COLSPEC is present, use the comma separated list of ranges to
                                     specify X, Y, Z, RotX, RotY, and RotZ, in that order.  For
                                     example, :3-5,7,0,9 would use columns 3, 4, 5, 7, 0 and 9
                                     for X, Y, Z, RotX, RotY, RotZ, respectively
    --motpos                       - Toggle whether displacement regressors will be used in motion regression.
                                     Default is False.
    --motderiv                     - Toggle whether derivatives will be used in motion regression.
                                     Default is True.
    --motdelayderiv                - Toggle whether delayed derivative  regressors will be used in motion regression.
                                     Default is False.

Correlation options:
    -O OVERSAMPFAC                 - Oversample the fMRI data by the following integral
                                     factor.  Setting to -1 chooses the factor automatically (default)
    --regressor=FILENAME           - Read probe regressor from file FILENAME (if none
                                     specified, generate and use global regressor)
    --regressorfreq=FREQ           - Probe regressor in file has sample frequency FREQ
                                     (default is 1/tr) NB: --regressorfreq and --regressortstep
                                     are two ways to specify the same thing
    --regressortstep=TSTEP         - Probe regressor in file has sample time step TSTEP
                                     (default is tr) NB: --regressorfreq and --regressortstep
                                     are two ways to specify the same thing
    --regressorstart=START         - The time delay in seconds into the regressor file, corresponding
                                     in the first TR of the fmri file (default is 0.0)
    --phat                         - Use generalized cross-correlation with phase alignment
                                     transform (PHAT) instead of correlation
    --liang                        - Use generalized cross-correlation with Liang weighting function
                                     (Liang, et al, doi:10.1109/IMCCC.2015.283)
    --eckart                       - Use generalized cross-correlation with Eckart weighting function
    --corrmaskthresh=PCT           - Do correlations in voxels where the mean exceeeds this
                                     percentage of the robust max (default is 1.0)
    --corrmask=MASK                - Only do correlations in voxels in MASK (if set, corrmaskthresh
                                     is ignored).
    --accheck                      - Check for periodic components that corrupt the autocorrelation

Correlation fitting options:
    -Z DELAYTIME                   - Don't fit the delay time - set it to DELAYTIME seconds
                                     for all voxels
    -r LAGMIN,LAGMAX               - Limit fit to a range of lags from LAGMIN to LAGMAX
    -s SIGMALIMIT                  - Reject lag fits with linewidth wider than SIGMALIMIT
    -B                             - Bipolar mode - match peak correlation ignoring sign
    --nofitfilt                    - Do not zero out peak fit values if fit fails
    --searchfrac=FRAC              - When peak fitting, include points with amplitude > FRAC * the
                                     maximum amplitude.
                                     (default value is 0.5)
    --peakfittype=FITTYPE          - Method for fitting the peak of the similarity function
                                     (default is 'gauss'). 'quad' uses a quadratic fit. Other options are
                                     'fastgauss' which is faster but not as well tested, and 'None'.
    --despecklepasses=PASSES       - detect and refit suspect correlations to disambiguate peak
                                     locations in PASSES passes
    --despecklethresh=VAL          - refit correlation if median discontinuity magnitude exceeds
                                     VAL (default is 5s)
    --softlimit                    - Allow peaks outside of range if the maximum correlation is
                                     at an edge of the range.

Regressor refinement options:
    --refineprenorm=TYPE           - Apply TYPE prenormalization to each timecourse prior
                                     to refinement (valid weightings are 'None',
                                     'mean' (default), 'var', and 'std'
    --refineweighting=TYPE         - Apply TYPE weighting to each timecourse prior
                                     to refinement (valid weightings are 'None',
                                     'R', 'R2' (default)
    --passes=PASSES,               - Set the number of processing passes to PASSES
     --refinepasses=PASSES           (default is 1 pass - no refinement).
                                     NB: refinepasses is the wrong name for this option -
                                     --refinepasses is deprecated, use --passes from now on.
    --refineinclude=MASK[:VALSPEC] - Only use nonzero voxels in MASK for regressor refinement (if VALSPEC is
                                     given, only voxels with integral values listed in VALSPEC are used.)
    --refineexclude=MASK[:VALSPEC] - Do not use nonzero voxels in MASK for regressor refinement (if VALSPEC is
                                     given, only voxels with integral values listed in VALSPEC are used.)
    --lagminthresh=MIN             - For refinement, exclude voxels with delays less
                                     than MIN (default is 0.5s)
    --lagmaxthresh=MAX             - For refinement, exclude voxels with delays greater
                                     than MAX (default is 5s)
    --ampthresh=AMP                - For refinement, exclude voxels with correlation
                                     coefficients less than AMP (default is 0.3).  NOTE: ampthresh will
                                     automatically be set to the p<0.05 significance level determined by
                                     the -N option if -N is set greater than 0 and this is not
                                     manually specified.
    --sigmathresh=SIGMA            - For refinement, exclude voxels with widths greater
                                     than SIGMA (default is 100s)
    --refineoffset                 - Adjust offset time during refinement to bring peak
                                     delay to zero
    --pickleft                     - When setting refineoffset, always select the leftmost histogram peak
    --pickleftthresh=THRESH        - Set the threshold value (fraction of maximum) to decide something is a
                                     peak in a histogram.  Default is 0.33.
    --refineupperlag               - Only use positive lags for regressor refinement
    --refinelowerlag               - Only use negative lags for regressor refinement
    --pca                          - Use pca to derive refined regressor (default is
                                     unweighted averaging)
    --ica                          - Use ica to derive refined regressor (default is
                                     unweighted averaging)
    --weightedavg                  - Use weighted average to derive refined regressor
                                     (default is unweighted averaging)
    --avg                          - Use unweighted average to derive refined regressor
    --psdfilter                    - Apply a PSD weighted Wiener filter to shifted
                                     timecourses prior to refinement

Output options:
    --limitoutput                  - Don't save some of the large and rarely used files
    -T                             - Save a table of lagtimes used
    -h HISTLEN                     - Change the histogram length to HISTLEN (default is
    --glmsourcefile=FILE           - Regress delayed regressors out of FILE instead of the
                                     initial fmri file used to estimate delays
    --noglm                        - Turn off GLM filtering to remove delayed regressor
                                     from each voxel (disables output of fitNorm)
    --preservefiltering            - don't reread data prior to GLM

Miscellaneous options:
    --noprogressbar                - Disable progress bars - useful if saving output to files
    --wiener                       - Perform Wiener deconvolution to get voxel transfer functions
    --usesp                        - Use single precision for internal calculations (may
                                     be useful when RAM is limited)
    -c                             - Data file is a converted CIFTI
    -S                             - Simulate a run - just report command line options
    -d                             - Display plots of interesting timecourses
    --nonumba                      - Disable jit compilation with numba
    --nosharedmem                  - Disable use of shared memory for large array storage
    --memprofile                   - Enable memory profiling for debugging - warning:
                                     this slows things down a lot.
    --multiproc                    - Enable multiprocessing versions of key subroutines.  This
                                     speeds things up dramatically.  Almost certainly will NOT
                                     work on Windows (due to different forking behavior).
    --mklthreads=NTHREADS          - Use no more than NTHREADS worker threads in accelerated numpy calls.
    --nprocs=NPROCS                - Use NPROCS worker processes for multiprocessing.  Setting NPROCS
                                     less than 1 sets the number of worker processes to
                                     n_cpus - 1 (default).  Setting NPROCS enables --multiproc.
    --debug                        - Enable additional information output
    --saveoptionsasjson            - Save the options file in json format rather than text.  Will eventually
                                     become the default, but for now I'm just trying it out.

Experimental options (not fully tested, may not work):
    --cleanrefined                 - perform additional processing on refined regressor to remove spurious
    --dispersioncalc               - Generate extra data during refinement to allow calculation of
    --acfix                        - Perform a secondary correlation to disambiguate peak location
                                     (enables --accheck).  Experimental.
    --tmask=MASKFILE               - Only correlate during epochs specified in
                                     MASKFILE (NB: if file has one colum, the length needs to match
                                     the number of TRs used.  TRs with nonzero values will be used
                                     in analysis.  If there are 2 or more columns, each line of MASKFILE
                                     contains the time (first column) and duration (second column) of an
                                     epoch to include.)

These options are somewhat self-explanatory. I will be expanding this section of the manual going forward, but I want to put something here to get this out here.

When using the legacy interface, file names will be output using the old, non-BIDS names and formats. rapidtide can be forced to use the old style outputs with the --legacyoutput flag.

Equivalence between BIDS and legacy outputs:

BIDS style name

Legacy name

XXX_maxtime_map(.nii.gz, .json)


XXX_desc-maxtime_hist(.tsv, .json)


XXX_maxcorr_map(.nii.gz, .json)


XXX_desc-maxcorr_hist(.tsv, .json)


XXX_maxcorrsq_map(.nii.gz, .json)


XXX_desc-maxcorrsq_hist(.tsv, .json)


XXX_maxwidth_map(.nii.gz, .json)


XXX_desc-maxwidth_hist(.tsv, .json)


XXX_MTT_map(.nii.gz, .json)




XXX_corrfitfailreason_map(.nii.gz, .json)






XXX_desc-lfofilterCleaned_bold(.nii.gz, .json)


XXX_desc-lfofilterRemoved_bold(.nii.gz, .json)
























XXX_desc-autocorr_timeseries(.tsv, .json)


XXX_desc-corrdistdata_info(.tsv, .json)


XXX_desc-nullsimfunc_hist(.tsv, .json)










XXX_desc-globallag_hist(.tsv, .json)


XXX_desc-initialmovingregressor_timeseries(.tsv, .json)

XXX_reference_origres.txt, XXX_reference_origres_prefilt.txt

XXX_desc-movingregressor_timeseries(.tsv, .json)


XXX_desc-oversampledmovingregressor_timeseries(.tsv, .json)


XXX_desc-refinedmovingregressor_timeseries(.tsv, .json)

XXX_unfilteredrefinedregressor_passN.txt, XXX_refinedregressor_passN.txt










Rapidtide can do many things - as I’ve found more interesting things to do with time delay processing, it’s gained new functions and options to support these new applications. As a result, it can be a little hard to know what to use for a new experiment. To help with that, I’ve decided to add this section to the manual to get you started. It’s broken up by type of data/analysis you might want to do.

Removing low frequency physiological noise from resting state data

This is what I thought most people would use rapidtide for - finding and removing the low frequency (LFO) signal from an existing dataset. This presupposes you have not made a simultaneous physiological recording (well, you may have, but it assumes you aren’t using it). For this, you can use a minimal set of options, since the defaults are mostly right.

The base command you’d use would be:

rapidtide inputfmrifile outputname --frequencyband lfo --passes 3

This will do a fairly simple analysis. First, the -L option means that rapidtide will prefilter the data to the LFO band (0.009-0.15Hz). It will then construct a regressor from the global mean of the signal in inputfmrifile (default behavior if no regressor is specified), and then use crosscorrelation to determine the time delay in each voxel. The --passes=3 option directs rapidtide to to perform the delay analysis 3 times, each time generating a new estimate of the global noise signal by aligning all of the timecourses in the data to bring the global signal in phase prior to averaging. The --refineoffset flag recenters the peak of the delay distribution on zero during the refinement process, which should make datasets easier to compare. After the three passes are complete, it will then use a GLM filter to remove a lagged copy of the final mean regressor that from the data - this denoised data will be in the file “outputname_filtereddata.nii.gz”. There will also a number of maps output with the prefix “outputname_” of delay, correlation strength and so on.

Mapping long time delays in response to a gas challenge experiment:

Processing this sort of data requires a very different set of options from the previous case. Instead of the distribution of delays you expect in healthy controls (a slightly skewed, somewhat normal distribution with a tail on the positive side, ranging from about -5 to 5 seconds), in this case, the maximum delay can be extremely long (100-120 seconds is not uncommon in stroke, moyamoya disesase, and atherosclerosis). To do this, you need to radically change what options you use, not just the delay range, but a number of other options having to do with refinement and statistical measures.

For this type of analysis, a good place to start is the following:

rapidtide inputfmrifile outputname --numnull 0 --searchrange -10 140 --filterfreqs 0.0 0.1 --ampthresh 0.2 --noglm --nofitfilt

The first option (--numnull 0), shuts off the calculation of the null correlation distribution. This is used to determine the significance threshold, but the method currently implemented in rapidtide is a bit simplistic - it assumes that all the time points in the data are exchangable. This is certainly true for resting state data (see above), but it is very much NOT true for block paradigm gas challenges. To properly analyze those, I need to consider what time points are ‘equivalent’, and up to now, I don’t, so setting the number of iterations in the Monte Carlo analysis to zero omits this step.

The second option (--searchrange -10 140) is fairly obvious - this extends the detectable delay range out to 140 seconds. Note that this is somewhat larger than the maximum delays we frequently see, but to find the correlation peak with maximum precision, you need sufficient additional delay values so that the correlation can come to a peak and then come down enough that you can properly fit it.

Setting --filterfreqs 0.0 0.1 is VERY important. By default, rapidtide assumes you are looking at endogenous low frequency oscillations, which typically between 0.09 and 0.15 Hz. However, gas challenge paradigms are usually MUCH lower frequency (90 seconds off, 90 seconds on corresponds to 1/180s = ~0.006Hz). So if you use the default frequency settings, you will completely filter out your stimulus, and presumably, your response. If you are processing one of these experiments and get no results whatsoever, this is almost certainly the problem.

The --noglm option disables data filtering. If you are using rapidtide to estimate and remove low frequency noise from resting state or task fMRI data, the last step is to use a glm filter to remove this circulatory signal, leaving “pure” neuronal signal, which you’ll use in further analyses. That’s not relevant here - the signal you’d be removing is the one you care about. So this option skips that step to save time and disk space.

--nofitfilt skips a step after peak estimation. Estimating the delay and correlation amplitude in each voxel is a two step process. First you make a quick estimate (where is the maximum point of the correlation function, and what is its amplitude?), then you refine it by fitting a Gaussian function to the peak to improve the estimate. If this step fails, which it can if the peak is too close to the end of the lag range, or strangely shaped, the default behavior is to mark the point as bad and zero out the parameters for the voxel. The nofitfilt option means that if the fit fails, output the initial estimates rather than all zeros. This means that you get some information, even if it’s not fully refined. In my experience it does tend to make the maps for the gas challenge experiments a lot cleaner to use this option since the correlation function is pretty well behaved.

CVR mapping:

This is a slightly different twist on interpreting the strength of the lagged correlation. In this case, you supply an input regressor that corresponds to a measured, calibrated CO2 quantity (for example, etCO2 in mmHg). Rapidtide then does a modified analysis - it still uses the cross-correlation to find when the input regressor is maximally aligned with the variance in the voxel signal, but instead of only returning a correlation strength, it calculates the percentage BOLD change in each voxel in units of the input regressor (e.g. %BOLD/mmHg), which is the standard in CVR analysis.

  • You invoke this with the –CVR option.

  • To do this, I disabled refinement, hijacked the GLM filtering routine, and messed with some normalizations. If you want to refine your regressor estimate, or filter the sLFO signal out of your data, you need to do a separate analysis.

Denoising NIRS data:

When we started this whole research effort, I waw originally planning to denoise NIRS data, not fMRI data. But one thing led to another, and the NIRS got derailed for the fMRI effort. Now that we have some time to catch our breaths, and more importantly, we have access to some much higher quality NIRS data, this moved back to the front burner. The majority of the work was already done, I just needed to account for a few qualities that make NIRS data different from fMRI data:

  • NIRS data is not generally stored in NIFTI files. There is not as yet a standard NIRS format. In the absence of one, you could do worse than a multicolumn text file, with one column per data channel. That’s what I did here - if the file has a ‘.txt’ extension rather than ‘.nii.’, ‘.nii.gz’, or no extension, it will assume all I/O should be done on multicolumn text files.

  • NIRS data is often zero mean. This turned out to mess with a lot of my assumptions about which voxels have significant data, and mask construction. This has led to some new options for specifying mask threshholds and data averaging.

  • NIRS data is in some sense “calibrated” as relative micromolar changes in oxy-, deoxy-, and total hemoglobin concentration, so mean and/or variance normalizing the timecourses may not be right thing to do. I’ve added in some new options to mess with normalizations.



happy is a new addition to the rapidtide suite. It’s complementary to rapidtide - it’s focussed on fast, cardiac signals in fMRI, rather than the slow, LFO signals we are usually looking at. It’s sort of a Frankenprogram - it has three distinct jobs, which are related, but are very distinct.

The first thing happy does is try to extract a cardiac waveform from the fMRI data. This is something I’ve been thinking about for a long time. Words go here

The second task is to take this raw estimate of the cardiac waveform, and clean it up using a deep learning filter. The original signal is useful, but pretty gross, but I figured you should be able to exploit the pseudoperiodic nature of the signal to greatly improve it. This is also a testbed to work on using neural nets to process time domain signals. It seemed like a worthwhile project, so it got grafted in.

The final task (which was actually the initial task, and the reason I wrote happy to begin with) is to implement Henning Voss’ totally cool hypersampling with analytic phase projection (guess where the name “happy” comes from). This is fairly straightforward, as Voss describes his method very clearly. But I have lots of data with no simultaneously recorded cardiac signals, and I was too lazy to go find datasets with pleth data to play with, so that’s why I did the cardiac waveform extraction part.


Happy needs a 4D BOLD fMRI data file (space by time) as input. This can be Nifti1 or Nifti2. If you have a simultaneously recorded cardiac waveform, it will happily use it, otherwise it will try to construct (and refine) one. NOTE: the 4D input dataset needs to be completely unpreprocessed - gradient distortion correction and motion correction can destroy the relationship between slice number and actual acquisition time, and slice time correction does not behave as expected for aliased signals (which the cardiac component in fMRI most certainly is), and in any case we need the slice time offsets to construct our waveform.


Outputs are space or space by time Nifti or text files, depending on what the input data file was, and some text files containing textual information, histograms, or numbers. File formats and naming follow BIDS conventions for derivative data for fMRI input data. Output spatial dimensions and file type match the input dimensions and file type (Nifti1 in, Nifti1 out). Depending on the file type of map, there can be no time dimension, a time dimension that matches the input file, or something else, such as a time lag dimension for a correlation map.

BIDS Outputs:




When present



The command line used to run happy




The command line used to run happy, attractively formatted




The analytic phase projection map of the cardiac waveform




The analytic phase projection map of the cardiac waveform, voxelwise minimum subtracted




The analytic phase projection map of the cardiac waveform, voxelwise minimum subtracted and normalized



.tsv.gz, .json

Not sure




Not sure




Not sure



.tsv.gz, .json

Cardiac timeseries at the time resolution of slice acquisition ((1/TR * number of slices / multiband factor



.tsv.gz, .json

Cardiac timeseries at standard time resolution (25.O Hz)



.tsv.gz, .json

The average (over time from minimum) of the cardiac waveform over all voxels



.tsv.gz, .json

The average (over a single cardiac cycle) of the cardiac waveform over all voxels




Average image of the fMRI data over a single cardiac cycle



.tsv.gz, .json

Not sure




Map of the average phase where the maximum amplitude occurs for each voxel




Map of the average phase where the minimum amplitude occurs for each voxel




Map of all voxels used for analytic phase projection




Amplitude of variance over a cardiac cycle (large values are assumed to be vessels)




Locations of voxels with variance over a cardiac cycle that exceeds a threshold (assumed to be vessels)




High variance vessels with early maximum values within the cardiac cycle




High variance vessels with late maximum values within the cardiac cycle




Run parameters and derived values found during the run (quality metrics, derived thresholds, etc.)




Memory statistics at multiple checkpoints over the course of the run




Detailed timing information



Hypersampling by Analytic Phase Projection - Yay!.

usage: happy [-h] [--cardcalconly] [--skipdlfilter]
             [--usesuperdangerousworkaround] [--slicetimesareinseconds]
             [--model MODELNAME] [--mklthreads NTHREADS] [--numskip SKIP]
             [--motskip SKIP] [--motionfile MOTFILE] [--motionhp HPFREQ]
             [--motionlp LPFREQ] [--nomotorthogonalize] [--motpos]
             [--nomotderiv] [--nomotderivdelayed] [--discardmotionfiltered]
             [--estmask MASKNAME] [--minhr MINHR] [--maxhr MAXHR]
             [--minhrfilt MINHR] [--maxhrfilt MAXHR]
             [--hilbertcomponents NCOMPS] [--envcutoff CUTOFF]
             [--notchwidth WIDTH] [--invertphysiosign]
             [--cardiacfile FILE[:COL]]
             [--cardiacfreq FREQ | --cardiactstep TSTEP]
             [--cardiacstart START] [--forcehr BPM]
             [--respirationfile FILE[:COL]]
             [--respirationfreq FREQ | --respirationtstep TSTEP]
             [--respirationstart START] [--forcerr BreathsPM] [--spatialglm]
             [--temporalglm] [--stdfreq FREQ] [--outputbins BINS]
             [--gridbins BINS] [--gridkernel {old,gauss,kaiser}]
             [--projmask MASKNAME] [--projectwithraw] [--fliparteries]
             [--arteriesonly] [--version] [--detailedversion]
             [--aliasedcorrelation] [--upsample] [--estimateflow]
             [--noprogressbar] [--infotag tagname tagvalue] [--debug]
             [--nodetrend DETRENDORDER] [--noorthog] [--disablenotch]
             [--nomask] [--nocensor] [--noappsmooth] [--nophasefilt]
             [--nocardiacalign] [--saveinfoastext] [--saveintermediate]
             [--increaseoutputlevel] [--decreaseoutputlevel]
             fmrifilename slicetimename outputroot

Positional Arguments


The input data file (BOLD fmri file or NIRS text file)


Text file containing the offset time in seconds of each slice relative to the start of the TR, one value per line, OR the BIDS sidecar JSON file.NB: FSL slicetime files give slice times in fractions of a TR, BIDS sidecars give slice times in seconds. Non-json files are assumed to be the FSL style (fractions of a TR) UNLESS the –slicetimesareinseconds flag is used.


The root name for the output files

Processing steps


Stop after all cardiac regressor calculation steps (before phase projection).

Default: False


Disable deep learning cardiac waveform filter.

Default: True


Some versions of tensorflow seem to have some weird conflict with MKL whichI don’t seem to be able to fix. If the dl filter bombs complaining about multiple openmp libraries, try rerunning with the secret and inadvisable ‘–usesuperdangerousworkaround’ flag. Good luck!

Default: False


If a non-json slicetime file is specified, happy assumes the file is FSL style (slice times are specified in fractions of a TR). Setting this flag overrides this assumption, and interprets the slice time file as being in seconds. This does nothing when the slicetime file is a .json BIDS sidecar.

Default: False


Use model MODELNAME for dl filter (default is model_revised - from the revised NeuroImage paper.

Default: “model_revised”



Use NTHREADS MKL threads to accelerate processing (defaults to 1 - more threads up to the number of cores can accelerate processing a lot, but can really kill you on clusters unless you’re very careful. Use at your own risk

Default: 1



Skip SKIP tr’s at the beginning of the fMRI file (default is 0).

Default: 0


Skip SKIP tr’s at the beginning of the motion regressor file (default is 0).

Default: 0


Read 6 columns of motion regressors out of MOTFILE file (.par or BIDS .json) (with timepoints rows) and regress them, their derivatives, and delayed derivatives out of the data prior to analysis.


Highpass filter motion regressors to HPFREQ Hz prior to regression.


Lowpass filter motion regressors to LPFREQ Hz prior to regression.


Do not orthogonalize motion regressors prior to regressing them out of the data.

Default: True


Include motion position regressors.

Default: False


Do not use motion derivative regressors.

Default: True


Do not use delayed motion derivative regressors.

Default: True


Do not save data after motion filtering.

Default: True

Cardiac estimation tuning


Generation of cardiac waveform from data will be restricted to voxels in MASKNAME and weighted by the mask intensity. If this is selected, happy will only make a single pass through the data (the initial vessel mask generation pass will be skipped).


Limit lower cardiac frequency search range to MINHR BPM (default is 40).

Default: 40.0


Limit upper cardiac frequency search range to MAXHR BPM (default is 140).

Default: 140.0


Highpass filter cardiac waveform estimate to MINHR BPM (default is 40).

Default: 40.0


Lowpass filter cardiac waveform estimate to MAXHR BPM (default is 1000).

Default: 1000.0


Retain NCOMPS components of the cardiac frequency signal to Hilbert transform (default is 1).

Default: 1


Lowpass filter cardiac normalization envelope to CUTOFF Hz (default is 0.4 Hz).

Default: 0.4


Set the width of the notch filter, in percent of the notch frequency (default is 1.5).

Default: 1.5


Invert the waveform extracted from the physiological signal. Use this if there is a contrast agent in the blood.

Default: False

External cardiac waveform options


Read the cardiac waveform from file FILE. If COL is an integer, and FILE is a text file, use the COL’th column. If FILE is a BIDS format json file, use column named COL. If no file is specified, estimate the cardiac signal from the fMRI data.


Cardiac waveform in cardiacfile has sample frequency FREQ (default is 32Hz). NB: –cardiacfreq and –cardiactstep are two ways to specify the same thing.

Default: -32.0


Cardiac waveform in cardiacfile has time step TSTEP (default is 1/32 sec). NB: –cardiacfreq and –cardiactstep are two ways to specify the same thing.

Default: -32.0


The time delay in seconds into the cardiac file, corresponding to the first TR of the fMRI file (default is 0.0)


Force heart rate fundamental detector to be centered at BPM (overrides peak frequencies found from spectrum). Usefulif there is structured noise that confuses the peak finder.

External respiration waveform options


Read the respiration waveform from file FILE. If COL is an integer, and FILE is a text file, use the COL’th column. If FILE is a BIDS format json file, use column named COL.


Respiration waveform in respirationfile has sample frequency FREQ (default is 32Hz). NB: –respirationfreq and –respirationtstep are two ways to specify the same thing.

Default: -32.0


Respiration waveform in respirationfile has time step TSTEP (default is 1/32 sec). NB: –respirationfreq and –respirationtstep are two ways to specify the same thing.

Default: -32.0


The time delay in seconds into the respiration file, corresponding to the first TR of the fMRI file (default is 0.0)


Force respiratory rate fundamental detector to be centered at BreathsPM (overrides peak frequencies found from spectrum). Usefulif there is structured noise that confuses the peak finder.

Output processing


Generate framewise cardiac signal maps and filter them out of the input data.

Default: False


Generate voxelwise aliased synthetic cardiac regressors and filter them out of the input data.

Default: False

Output options


Frequency to which the physiological signals are resampled for output. Default is 25.

Default: 25.0

Phase projection tuning


Number of output phase bins (default is 32).

Default: 32


Width of the gridding kernel in output phase bins (default is 3.0).

Default: 3.0


Possible choices: old, gauss, kaiser

Convolution gridding kernel. Default is kaiser

Default: “kaiser”


Phase projection will be restricted to voxels in MASKNAME (overrides normal intensity mask.)


Use fMRI derived cardiac waveform as phase source for projection, even if a plethysmogram is supplied.

Default: False


Attempt to detect arterial signals and flip over the timecourses after phase projection (since relative arterial blood susceptibility is inverted relative to venous blood).

Default: False


Restrict cardiac waveform estimation to putative arteries only.

Default: False

Version options


show program’s version number and exit


show program’s version number and exit

Miscellaneous options.


Attempt to calculate absolute delay using an aliased correlation (experimental).

Default: False


Attempt to temporally upsample the fMRI data (experimental).

Default: False


Estimate blood flow using optical flow (experimental).

Default: False


Will disable showing progress bars (helpful if stdout is going to a file).

Default: True


Additional key, value pairs to add to the info json file (useful for tracking analyses).

Debugging options (probably not of interest to users)


Turn on debugging information.

Default: False


Disable data detrending.

Default: 3


Disable orthogonalization of motion confound regressors.

Default: True


Disable subharmonic notch filter.

Default: False


Disable data masking for calculating cardiac waveform.

Default: True


Bad points will not be excluded from analytic phase projection.

Default: True


Disable smoothing app file in the phase direction.

Default: True


Disable the phase trend filter (probably not a good idea).

Default: True


Disable alignment of pleth signal to fMRI derived cardiac signal.

Default: True


Save the info file in text format rather than json.

Default: True


Save some data from intermediate passes to help debugging.

Default: False


Increase the number of intermediate output files.

Default: 0


Decrease the number of intermediate output files.

Default: 0


Extract the cardiac waveform and generate phase projections

Case 1: When you don’t have a pleth recording

There are substantial improvements to the latest versions of happy. In the old versions, you actually had to run happy twice - the first time to estimate the vessel locations, and the second to actually derive the waveform. Happy now combines these operations interpolation a single run with multiple passes - the first pass locates voxels with high variance, labels them as vessels, then reruns the derivation, restricting the cardiac estimation to these high variance voxels. This gives substantially better results.

Using the example data in the example directory, try the following:

happy \
    rapidtide/data/examples/src/sub-HAPPYTEST.nii.gz \
    rapidtide/data/examples/src/sub-HAPPYTEST.json \

This will perform a happy analysis on the example dataset. To see the extracted cardiac waveform (original and filtered), you can use showtc (also part of them rapidtide package):

showtc \
    rapidtide/data/examples/src/happytest_desc-slicerescardfromfmri_timeseries.json:cardiacfromfmri,cardiacfromfmri_dlfiltered \
    --format separate



This is a utility for registering rapidtide output maps to standard coordinates. It’s usually much faster to run rapidtide in native space then transform afterwards to MNI152 space. NB: this will only work if you have a working FSL installation.



New versions of the rapidtide output maps, registered to either MNI152 space or to the hires anatomic images for the subject. All maps are named with the specified root name with ‘_std’ appended.


usage: rapidtide2std INPUTFILEROOT OUTPUTDIR FEATDIRECTORY [--all] [--hires]

required arguments:
    INPUTFILEROOT      - The base name of the rapidtide maps up to but not including the underscore
    OUTPUTDIR          - The location for the output files
    FEADDIRECTORY      - A feat directory (x.feat) where registration to standard space has been performed

optional arguments:
    --all              - also transform the corrout file (warning - file may be huge)
    --hires            - transform to match the high resolution anatomic image rather than the standard
    --linear           - only do linear transformation, even if warpfile exists



Like rapidtide, but for single time courses. Takes two text files as input, calculates and displays the time lagged crosscorrelation between them, fits the maximum time lag, and estimates the significance of the correlation. It has a range of filtering, windowing, and correlation options. This is the old interface - for new analyses you should use showxcorrx.


showxcorr requires two text files containing timecourses with the same sample rate, one timepoint per line, which are to be correlated, and the sample rate.


showxcorr outputs everything to standard out, including the Pearson correlation, the maximum cross correlation, the time of maximum cross correlation, and estimates of the significance levels (if specified). There are no output files.


usage: showxcorr timecourse1 timecourse2 samplerate [-l LABEL] [-s STARTTIME] [-D DURATION] [-d] [-F LOWERFREQ,UPPERFREQ[,LOWERSTOP,UPPERSTOP]] [-V] [-L] [-R] [-C] [-t] [-w] [-f] [-z FILENAME] [-N TRIALS]

required arguments:
        timcoursefile1: text file containing a timeseries
        timcoursefile2: text file containing a timeseries
        samplerate:     the sample rate of the timecourses, in Hz

optional arguments:
    -t            - detrend the data
    -w            - prewindow the data
    -l LABEL      - label for the delay value
    -s STARTTIME  - time of first datapoint to use in seconds in the first file
    -D DURATION   - amount of data to use in seconds
    -r RANGE      - restrict peak search range to +/- RANGE seconds (default is
    -d            - turns off display of graph
    -F            - filter data and regressors from LOWERFREQ to UPPERFREQ.
                    LOWERSTOP and UPPERSTOP can be specified, or will be
                    calculated automatically
    -V            - filter data and regressors to VLF band
    -L            - filter data and regressors to LFO band
    -R            - filter data and regressors to respiratory band
    -C            - filter data and regressors to cardiac band
    -T            - trim data to match
    -A            - print data on a single summary line
    -a            - if summary mode is on, add a header line showing what values
    -f            - negate (flip) second regressor
    -z FILENAME   - use the columns of FILENAME as controlling variables and
                    return the partial correlation
    -N TRIALS     - estimate significance thresholds by Monte Carlo with TRIALS



This is the newest, most avant-garde version of showxcorr. Because it’s an x file, it’s more fluid and I don’t guarantee that it will keep a stable interface (or even work at any given time). But every time I add something new, it goes here. The goal is eventually to make this the “real” version. Unlike rapidtide, however, I’ve let it drift quite a bit without syncing it because some people here actually use showxcorr and I don’t want to disrupt workflows…


showxcorrx requires two text files containing timecourses with the same sample rate, one timepoint per line, which are to be correlated, and the sample rate.


showxcorrx outputs everything to standard out, including the Pearson correlation, the maximum cross correlation, the time of maximum cross correlation, and estimates of the significance levels (if specified). There are no output files.




A very simple command line utility that takes a text file and plots the data in it in a matplotlib window. That’s it. A good tool for quickly seeing what’s in a file. Has some options to make the plot prettier.


Text files containing time series data




Plots the data in text files.

usage: showtc [-h] [--samplerate FREQ | --sampletime TSTEP]
              [--displaytype {time,power,phase}]
              [--format {overlaid,separate,separatelinked}] [--waterfall]
              [--voffset OFFSET] [--transpose] [--normall] [--title TITLE]
              [--xlabel LABEL] [--ylabel LABEL]
              [--legends LEGEND[,LEGEND[,LEGEND...]]] [--legendloc LOC]
              [--colors COLOR[,COLOR[,COLOR...]]] [--nolegend] [--noxax]
              [--noyax] [--linewidth LINEWIDTH[,LINEWIDTH[,LINEWIDTH...]]]
              [--tofile FILENAME] [--fontscalefac FAC] [--saveres DPI]
              [--starttime START] [--endtime END] [--numskip NUM] [--debug]
              [--version] [--detailedversion]
              textfilenames [textfilenames ...]

Positional Arguments


One or more input files, with optional column specifications

Named Arguments


Set the sample rate of the data file to FREQ. If neither samplerate or sampletime is specified, sample rate is 1.0.

Default: auto


Set the sample rate of the data file to 1.0/TSTEP. If neither samplerate or sampletime is specified, sample rate is 1.0.

Default: auto


Possible choices: time, power, phase

Display data as time series (default), power spectrum, or phase spectrum.

Default: “time”


Possible choices: overlaid, separate, separatelinked

Display data overlaid (default), in individually scaled windows, or in separate windows with linked scaling.

Default: “overlaid”


Display multiple timecourses in a waterfall plot.

Default: False


Plot multiple timecourses with OFFSET between them (use negative OFFSET to set automatically).

Default: 0.0


Swap rows and columns in the input files.

Default: False


Normalize all displayed timecourses to unit standard deviation and zero mean.

Default: False


Start plotting at START seconds (default is the start of the data).


Finish plotting at END seconds (default is the end of the data).


Skip NUM lines at the beginning of each file (to get past header lines).

Default: 0


Output additional debugging information.

Default: False

General plot appearance options


Use TITLE as the overall title of the graph.

Default: “”


Label for the plot x axis.

Default: “”


Label for the plot y axis.

Default: “”


Comma separated list of legends for each timecourse.


Integer from 0 to 10 inclusive specifying legend location. Legal values are: 0: best, 1: upper right, 2: upper left, 3: lower left, 4: lower right, 5: right, 6: center left, 7: center right, 8: lower center, 9: upper center, 10: center. Default is 2.

Default: 2


Comma separated list of colors for each timecourse.


Turn off legend label.

Default: True


Do not show x axis.

Default: True


Do not show y axis.

Default: True


A comma separated list of linewidths (in points) for plots. Default is 1.


Write figure to file FILENAME instead of displaying on the screen.


Scaling factor for annotation fonts (default is 1.0).

Default: 1.0


Write figure to file at DPI dots per inch (default is 1000).

Default: 1000

Version options


show program’s version number and exit


show program’s version number and exit



Uses a GLM filter to remove timecourses (1D text files or 4D NIFTI files) from 4D NIFTI files.




Fits and removes the effect of voxel specific and/or global regressors.

usage: glmfilt [-h] [--numskip NUMSKIP] [--evfile EVFILE [EVFILE ...]]
               [--dmask DATAMASK] [--limitoutput]
               inputfile outputroot

Positional Arguments


The name of the 3 or 4 dimensional nifti file to fit.


The root name for all output files.

Named Arguments


The number of points to skip at the beginning of the timecourse when fitting. Default is 0.

Default: 0


One or more files (text timecourse or 4D NIFTI) containing signals to regress out.


Use DATAMASK to specify which voxels in the data to use.


Only save the filtered data and the R value.

Default: True






Perform PCA or ICA decomposition on a data file in the time dimension.

usage: temporaldecomp [-h] [--dmask DATAMASK] [--ncomp NCOMPS]
                      [--smooth SIGMA] [--type {pca,sparse,ica}] [--nodemean]
                      datafile outputroot

Positional Arguments


The name of the 3 or 4 dimensional nifti file to fit


The root name for the output nifti files

Named Arguments


Use DATAMASK to specify which voxels in the data to use.


The number of PCA/ICA components to return (default is to estimate the number).

Default: -1.0


Spatially smooth the input data with a SIGMA mm kernel.

Default: 0.0


Possible choices: pca, sparse, ica

Type of decomposition to perform. Default is pca.

Default: “pca”


Do not demean data prior to decomposition.

Default: True


Do not variance normalize data prior to decomposition.

Default: True






Perform PCA or ICA decomposition on a data file in the spatial dimension.

usage: spatialdecomp [-h] [--dmask DATAMASK] [--ncomp NCOMPS] [--smooth SIGMA]
                     [--type {pca,sparse,ica}] [--nodemean] [--novarnorm]
                     datafile outputroot

Positional Arguments


The name of the 3 or 4 dimensional nifti file to fit


The root name for the output nifti files

Named Arguments


Use DATAMASK to specify which voxels in the data to use.


The number of PCA/ICA components to return (default is to estimate the number).

Default: -1.0


Spatially smooth the input data with a SIGMA mm kernel.

Default: 0.0


Possible choices: pca, sparse, ica

Type of decomposition to perform. Default is pca.

Default: “pca”


Do not demean data prior to decomposition.

Default: True


Do not variance normalize data prior to decomposition.

Default: True






Fit a spatial template to a 3D or 4D NIFTI file.

usage: polyfitim [-h] [--regionatlas ATLASFILE] [--order ORDER]
                 datafile datamask templatefile templatemask outputroot

Positional Arguments


The name of the 3 or 4 dimensional nifti file to fit.


The name of the 3 or 4 dimensional nifti file valid voxel mask (must match datafile).


The name of the 3D nifti template file (must match datafile).


The name of the 3D nifti template mask (must match datafile).


The root name for all output files.

Named Arguments


Do individual fits to every region in ATLASFILE (3D NIFTI file).


Perform fit to ORDERth order (default (and minimum) is 1)

Default: 1



A command line tool to generate a histogram for a nifti file


A nifti file


A text file containing the histogram information



Generates a histogram of the values in a NIFTI file.

usage: histnifti [-h] [--histlen LEN] [--minval MINVAL] [--maxval MAXVAL]
                 [--robustrange] [--transform] [--nozero]
                 [--nozerothresh THRESH] [--normhist] [--maskfile MASK]
                 inputfile outputroot

Positional Arguments


The name of the input NIFTI file.


The root of the output file names.

Named Arguments


Set histogram length to LEN (default is to set automatically).


Minimum bin value in histogram.


Maximum bin value in histogram.


Set histogram limits to the data’s robust range (2nd to 98th percentile).

Default: False


Replace data value with it’s percentile score.

Default: False


Do not include zero values in the histogram.

Default: False


Absolute values less than this are considered zero. Default is 0.01.

Default: 0.01


Return a probability density instead of raw counts.

Default: False


Only process voxels within the 3D mask MASK.


Do not display histogram.

Default: True



Another simple command line utility that displays the histograms generated by rapidtide.


A textfile generated by rapidtide containing histogram information




usage: showhist textfilename
        plots xy histogram data in text file

required arguments:
        textfilename    - a text file containing one timepoint per line



This takes an input text file at some sample rate and outputs a text file resampled to the specified sample rate.




resamp1tc - resample a timeseries file

usage: resamp1tc infilename insamplerate outputfile outsamplerate [-s]

required arguments:
        inputfile        - the name of the input text file
        insamplerate     - the sample rate of the input file in Hz
        outputfile       - the name of the output text file
        outsamplerate    - the sample rate of the output file in Hz

        -s               - split output data into physiological bands (LFO, respiratory, cardiac)



This takes an input nifti file at some TR and outputs a nifti file resampled to the specified TR.




usage: resamplenifti inputfile inputtr outputname outputtr [-a]

required arguments:
        inputfile       - the name of the input nifti file
        inputtr         - the tr of the input file in seconds
        outputfile      - the name of the output nifti file
        outputtr        - the tr of the output file in seconds

        -a              - disable antialiasing filter (only relevant if you are downsampling in time)



A simple command line that takes an FSL style 3 column regressor file and generates a time course (waveform) file. FSL 3 column files are text files containing one row per “event”. Each row has three columns: start time in seconds, duration in seconds, and waveform value. The output waveform is zero everywhere that is not covered by an “event” in the file.


A three column text file


A single column text file containing the waveform


tcfrom3col - convert a 3 column fsl style regressor into a one column timecourse

usage: tcfrom3col infile timestep numpoints outfile

required arguments:
        infile:      a text file containing triplets of start time, duration, and value
        timestep:    the time step of the output time coures in seconds
        numpoints:   the number of output time points
        outfile:     the name of the output time course file



A program to compare voxel values in two 3D NIFTI files. You give pixelcomp two files, each with their own mask. Any voxel that has a nonzero mask in both files gets added to a list of xy pairs, with the value from the first file being x, and the value from the second file being y. Pixelcomp then: 1) Makes and displays a 2D histogram of all the xy values. 2) Does a linear fit to x and y, and outputs the coefficients (slope and offset) to a XXX_linfit.txt file. 3) Writes all the xy pairs to a tab separated text file, and 4) Makes a Bland-Altman plot of x vs y


Two 3D NIFTI image files, the accompanying mask files, and the root name for the output files.




showtc - plots the data in text files

usage: showtc texfilename[:col1,col2...,coln] [textfilename]... [--nolegend] [--pspec] [--phase] [--samplerate=Fs] [--sampletime=Ts]

required arguments:
    textfilename        - a text file containing whitespace separated timecourses, one timepoint per line
                       A list of comma separated numbers following the filename and preceded by a colon is used to select columns to plot

optional arguments:
    --nolegend               - turn off legend label
    --pspec                  - show the power spectra magnitudes of the input data instead of the timecourses
    --phase                  - show the power spectra phases of the input data instead of the timecourses
    --transpose              - swap rows and columns in the input files
    --waterfall              - plot multiple timecourses as a waterfall
    --voffset=VOFFSET        - plot multiple timecourses as with VOFFSET between them (use negative VOFFSET to set automatically)
    --samplerate=Fs          - the sample rate of the input data is Fs Hz (default is 1Hz)
    --sampletime=Ts          - the sample time (1/samplerate) of the input data is Ts seconds (default is 1s)
    --colorlist=C1,C2,..     - cycle through the list of colors specified by CN
    --linewidth=LW           - set linewidth to LW points (default is 1)
    --fontscalefac=FAC       - scale all font sizes by FAC (default is 1.0)
    --legendlist=L1,L2,..    - cycle through the list of legends specified by LN
    --tofile=FILENAME        - write figure to file FILENAME instead of displaying on the screen
    --title=TITLE            - use TITLE as the overall title of the graph
    --separate               - use a separate subplot for each timecourse
    --separatelinked         - use a separate subplot for each timecourse, but use a common y scaling
    --noxax                  - don't show x axis
    --noyax                  - don't show y axis
    --starttime=START        - start plot at START seconds
    --endtime=END            - end plot at END seconds
    --legendloc=LOC          - Integer from 0 to 10 inclusive specifying legend location.  Legal values are:
                               0: best, 1: upper right, 2: upper left, 3: lower left, 4: lower right,
                               5: right, 6: center left, 7: center right, 8: lower center, 9: upper center,
                               10: center.  Default is 2.
    --debug                  - print debugging information



Uses a GLM filter to remove timecourses (1D text files or 4D NIFTI files) from 4D NIFTI files.




usage: glmfilt datafile numskip outputroot evfile [evfile_2...evfile_n]
    Fits and removes the effect of voxel specific and/or global regressors



Find temporal crosscorrelations between all the columns in a text file (for example the timecourse files output by MELODIC.)




ccorrica - find temporal crosscorrelations between ICA components

        usage: ccorrica timecoursefile TR
                timcoursefile:  text file containing multiple timeseries, one per column, whitespace separated
                TR:             the sample period of the timecourse, in seconds



Calculate and display the short term crosscorrelation between two timeseries (useful for dynamic correlation).




showstxcorr - calculate and display the short term crosscorrelation between two timeseries

usage: showstxcorr -i timecoursefile1 [-i timecoursefile2] --samplefreq=FREQ -o outputfile [-l LABEL] [-s STARTTIME] [-D DURATION] [-d] [-F LOWERFREQ,UPPERFREQ[,LOWERSTOP,UPPERSTOP]] [-V] [-L] [-R] [-C] [--nodetrend] [-nowindow] [-f] [--phat] [--liang] [--eckart] [-z FILENAME]

required arguments:
    -i, --infile= timcoursefile1     - text file containing one or more timeseries
    [-i, --infile= timcoursefile2]   - text file containing a timeseries
                                       NB: if one timecourse file is specified, each column
                                       is considered a timecourse, and there must be at least
                                       2 columns in the file.  If two filenames are given, each
                                       file must have only one column of data.

    -o, --outfile=OUTNAME:           - the root name of the output files

    --samplefreq=FREQ                - sample frequency of all timecourses is FREQ
    --sampletime=TSTEP               - time step of all timecourses is TSTEP
                                       NB: --samplefreq and --sampletime are two ways to specify
                                       the same thing.

optional arguments:
    --nodetrend   - do not detrend the data before correlation
    --nowindow    - do not prewindow data before corrlation
    --phat        - perform phase alignment transform (PHAT) rather than
                    standard crosscorrelation
    --liang       - perform phase alignment transform with Liang weighting function rather than
                    standard crosscorrelation
    --eckart      - perform phase alignment transform with Eckart weighting function rather than
                    standard crosscorrelation
    -s STARTTIME  - time of first datapoint to use in seconds in the first file
    -D DURATION   - amount of data to use in seconds
    -d            - turns off display of graph
    -F            - filter data and regressors from LOWERFREQ to UPPERFREQ.
                    LOWERSTOP and UPPERSTOP can be specified, or will be calculated automatically
    -V            - filter data and regressors to VLF band
    -L            - filter data and regressors to LFO band
    -R            - filter data and regressors to respiratory band
    -C            - filter data and regressors to cardiac band
    -W WINDOWLEN  - use a window length of WINDOWLEN seconds (default is 50.0s)
    -S STEPSIZE   - timestep between subsequent measurements (default is 25.0s).  Will be rounded to the nearest sample time
    -f            - negate second regressor



Tidepool is a handy tool for displaying all of the various maps generated by rapidtide in one place, overlayed on an anatomic image. This makes it easier to see how all the maps are related to one another. To use it, launch tidepool from the command line, navigate to a rapidtide output directory, and then select a lag time (maxcorr) map. tidpool will figure out the root name and pull in all of the other associated maps, timecourses, and info files. The displays are live, and linked together, so you can explore multiple parameters efficiently. Works in native or standard space.


The main tidepool window with a dataset loaded.


Tidepool loads most of the output files from a rapidtide analysis. The files must all be in the same directory, and use the naming convention and file formats that rapidtide uses.


There are many panels to the tidepool window. They are described in detail below.

Image Data


This is the main control of the tidepool window. This shows three orthogonal views of the active map (maxtime in this case) superimposed on an anatomic image (the mean fmri input image to rapidtide by default). Use the left mouse button to select a location in any of the images, and the other two will update to match. The intersecting green lines show the lower left corner of the active location. The lower righthand panel allows you to adjust various parameters, such as the minimum and maximum values of the colormap (set to the “robust range” by default). The “Transparency” button toggles whether values outside of the active range are set to the minimum or maximum colormap value, or are not displayed. The radio buttons in the upper right section of the colormap control panel allow you to change to colormap used from the default values. The “Full Range” button sets the colormap limits to the minimum and maximum values in the map. The “Smart” button sets the colormap limits to the 2% to 98% limits (the “robust range”). The “Save” button saves the three active images to jpeg files. The mask button (below the “Smart” button) indicates what mask to apply when displaying the map. By default, this is the “Valid” mask - all voxels where the rapidtide fit converged. Right clicking on this button gives you a popup window which allows you to select from several other masks, including no mask, the voxels used to set the initial regressor, the voxels used in the final refinement pass, and a range of significance values for the rapidtide fit.


The popup menu for selecting the display mask.

Overlay Selector


This panel allows you to select which map is displayed in the “Image Data” panel using the radio buttons in the corner of each image. The maps displayed will vary based on the analysis performed. These are all three dimensional maps, with the exception of the bottom map shown - the “Similarity function”. This is the full correlation (or other similarity function) used by rapidtide to generate the various maps. When this is loaded, you can use the controls in the “Location” panel to select different time points, or to show the function as a movie.

Information panel


This panel shows the location of the cursor in the “Image Data” panel, and the value of all the loaded maps at that location. If the rapidtide fit failed at that location, all values will be set to zero, and there will be a text description of the reason for the fit failure.



This panel shows the histogram of values displayed (i.e. those selected by the current active mask) in the “Image Data” panel. By default the range shown is the search range specified during the rapidtide analysis. You can pand and zoom the histogram by clicking and holding the left or right mouse button and moving the mouse. The green bars on the graph show the 2%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 98% percentile values of the histogram.


This shows the result of zooming the histogram using the right mouse button. With the mouse in the panel, left click on the “A” in the square box in the lower left of the plot to restore the default display values.

Similarity Function


This panel shows the similarity function (correlation, mutual information) at the location of the cursor in the “Image Data” window. There is a marker showing the maxtime and maxcorr found by the fit (or the text “No valid fit” if the fit failed). This can be used for diagnosing strange fit behavior.

Probe Regressor


This panel shows the probe regressor used in various stages of the rapidtide analysis. The left panel shows the time domain, the right shows the frequency domain, with a translucent green overlay indicating the filter band used in the analysis. The radio buttons on the right select which analysis stage to display: “Prefilt” is the initial probe regressor, either the global mean, or an externally supplied timecourse; “Postfilt” is this regressor after filtering to the active analysis band. “PassX” is the resampled regressor used in each of the analysis passes.


If tidepool is called without arguments, a dialog box will appear to allow you to select the maxtime map from the dataset you want to load. This (and other things) can alternately be supplied on the command line as specified below.