

Adjust the offset of a rapidtide delay map.


A rapidtide delay map.


A new rapidtide delay map, with a different time offset.


Adjust the offset of a rapidtide delay map.

usage: adjustoffset [-h] [--includemask MASK[:VALSPEC]]
                    [--excludemask MASK[:VALSPEC]] [--extramask MASK]
                    [--searchrange LAGMIN LAGMAX] [--histbins BINS]
                    [--histonly] [--display] [--pickleft]
                    [--pickleftthresh THRESH] [--setoffset OFFSET]
                    [--norefine] [--debug]
                    inputmap outputroot

Positional Arguments


The name of the rapidtide maxtime map.


The root name for the output files.

Named Arguments


Limit fit to a range of lags from LAGMIN to LAGMAX. Default is -10 to 20 seconds.

Default: (-10, 20)


Number of bins in the entropy histogram (default is 151).

Default: 151


Only calculate offset histograms - do not perform adjustments.

Default: False


Show the delay histogram.

Default: False


Choose the leftmost peak of the histogram that exceeds the threshold.

Default: False


Fraction of the maximum height that can be considered a peak. Default is 0.33

Default: 0.33


Directly set the offset value to OFFSET. Overrides histogram.


Do not fit the histogram peak.

Default: True


Output debugging information.

Default: False

Masking options


Only use voxels that are also in file MASK in calculating the offset values (if VALSPEC is given, only voxels with integral values listed in VALSPEC are used).


Do not use voxels that are also in file MASK in calculating the offset values (if VALSPEC is given, voxels with integral values listed in VALSPEC are excluded).


Additional mask to apply to select voxels for adjustment. Zero voxels in this mask will be excluded. If not specified, the corrfit_mask will be used.