

This is the newest, most avant-garde version of showxcorr. Because it’s an x file, it’s more fluid and I don’t guarantee that it will keep a stable interface (or even work at any given time). But every time I add something new, it goes here. The goal is eventually to make this the “real” version. Unlike rapidtide, however, I’ve let it drift quite a bit without syncing it because some people here actually use showxcorr and I don’t want to disrupt workflows…


showxcorrx requires two text files containing timecourses with the same sample rate, one timepoint per line, which are to be correlated, and the sample rate.


showxcorrx outputs everything to standard out, including the Pearson correlation, the maximum cross correlation, the time of maximum cross correlation, and estimates of the significance levels (if specified). There are no output files.


Calculate and display crosscorrelation between two timeseries.

usage: showxcorrx [-h] [--samplerate FREQ | --sampletime TSTEP]
                  [--searchrange LAGMIN LAGMAX] [--fixdelay DELAYTIME]
                  [--timerange START END]
                  [--windowfunc {hamming,hann,blackmanharris,None}]
                  [--zeropadding PADVAL]
                  [--filterband {None,vlf,lfo,resp,cardiac,hrv_ulf,hrv_vlf,hrv_lf,hrv_hf,hrv_vhf,lfo_legacy}]
                  [--filterfreqs LOWERPASS UPPERPASS]
                  [--filterstopfreqs LOWERSTOP UPPERSTOP]
                  [--filtertype {trapezoidal,brickwall,butterworth}]
                  [--butterorder ORDER] [--padseconds SECONDS]
                  [--detrendorder ORDER] [--trimdata]
                  [--corrweighting {None,phat,liang,eckart}] [--invert]
                  [--label LABEL] [--partialcorr FILE] [--cepstral]
                  [--calccsd] [--calccoherence]
                  [--permutationmethod {shuffle,phaserandom}]
                  [--numnull NREPS] [--skipsighistfit]
                  [--similaritymetric {correlation,mutualinfo,hybrid}]
                  [--sigmamax SIGMAMAX] [--sigmamin SIGMAMIN]
                  [--mutualinfosmoothingtime TAU] [--outputfile FILE]
                  [--corroutputfile FILE] [--summarymode] [--labelline]
                  [--title TITLE] [--xlabel LABEL] [--ylabel LABEL]
                  [--legend LEGEND] [--legendloc LOC] [--color COLOR]
                  [--nolegend] [--noxax] [--noyax] [--linewidth LINEWIDTH]
                  [--tofile FILENAME] [--fontscalefac FAC] [--saveres DPI]
                  [--noprogressbar] [--nodisplay] [--nonorm] [--nprocs NPROCS]
                  [--debug] [--verbose]
                  infilename1 infilename2

Positional Arguments


Text file containing a timeseries. Select column COLNUM if multicolumn file


Text file containing a timeseries. Select column COLNUM if multicolumn file

General Options


Set the sample rate of the data file to FREQ. If neither samplerate or sampletime is specified, sample rate is 1.0.

Default: auto


Set the sample rate of the data file to 1.0/TSTEP. If neither samplerate or sampletime is specified, sample rate is 1.0.

Default: auto


Limit fit to a range of lags from LAGMIN to LAGMAX. Default is -30.0 to 30.0 seconds.

Default: (-30.0, 30.0)


Don’t fit the delay time - set it to DELAYTIME seconds for all voxels.


Limit analysis to data between timepoints START and END in the input file. If END is set to -1, analysis will go to the last timepoint. Negative values of START will be set to 0. Default is to use all timepoints.

Default: (-1, -1)

Windowing options


Possible choices: hamming, hann, blackmanharris, None

Window function to use prior to correlation. Options are hamming, hann, blackmanharris, and None. Default is hamming

Default: “hamming”


Pad input functions to correlation with PADVAL zeros on each side. A PADVAL of 0 does circular correlations, positive values reduce edge artifacts. Set PADVAL < 0 to set automatically. Default is 0.

Default: 0

Filtering options


Possible choices: None, vlf, lfo, resp, cardiac, hrv_ulf, hrv_vlf, hrv_lf, hrv_hf, hrv_vhf, lfo_legacy

Filter timecourses to specific band. Use “None” to disable filtering. Default is “lfo”.

Default: “lfo”


Filter timecourses to retain LOWERPASS to UPPERPASS. If –filterstopfreqs is not also specified, LOWERSTOP and UPPERSTOP will be calculated automatically.


Filter timecourses to with stop frequencies LOWERSTOP and UPPERSTOP. LOWERSTOP must be <= LOWERPASS, UPPERSTOP must be >= UPPERPASS. Using this argument requires the use of –filterfreqs.


Possible choices: trapezoidal, brickwall, butterworth

Filter timecourses using a trapezoidal FFT, brickwall FFT, or butterworth bandpass filter. Default is “trapezoidal”.

Default: “trapezoidal”


Set order of butterworth filter (if used). Default is 6.

Default: 6


The number of seconds of padding to add to each end of a filtered timecourse to reduce end effects. Default is 30.0.

Default: 30.0

Preprocessing options


Set order of trend removal (0 to disable, default is 1 - linear).

Default: 1


Trimming data to match

Default: False


Possible choices: None, phat, liang, eckart

Method to use for cross-correlation weighting. Default is None.

Default: “None”


Invert the second timecourse prior to calculating similarity.

Default: False


Label for the delay value.

Default: “None”


Use the columns of FILE as controlling variables and return the partial correlation.

Additional calculations


Check time delay using Choudhary’s cepstral technique.

Default: False


Calculate the cross-spectral density.

Default: False


Calculate the coherence.

Default: False

Similarity function options


Possible choices: correlation, mutualinfo, hybrid

Similarity metric for finding delay values. Choices are ‘correlation’ (default), ‘mutualinfo’, and ‘hybrid’.

Default: “correlation”


Reject lag fits with linewidth wider than SIGMAMAX Hz. Default is 1000.0 Hz.

Default: 1000.0


Reject lag fits with linewidth narrower than SIGMAMIN Hz. Default is 0.25 Hz.

Default: 0.25


Time constant of a temporal smoothing function to apply to the mutual information function. Default is 3.0 seconds. TAU <=0.0 disables smoothing.

Default: 3.0

Output options


Save results to FILE.


Write correlation function to FILE.


Print all results on a single line.

Default: “False”


Print a header line identifying fields in the summary line.

Default: “False”

General plot appearance options


Use TITLE as the overall title of the graph.

Default: “”


Label for the plot x axis.

Default: “”


Label for the plot y axis.

Default: “”


Legends for the timecourse.


Integer from 0 to 10 inclusive specifying legend location. Legal values are: 0: best, 1: upper right, 2: upper left, 3: lower left, 4: lower right, 5: right, 6: center left, 7: center right, 8: lower center, 9: upper center, 10: center. Default is 2.

Default: 2


Color of the timecourse plot.


Turn off legend label.

Default: True


Do not show x axis.

Default: True


Do not show y axis.

Default: True


Linewidth (in points) for plot. Default is 1.


Write figure to file FILENAME instead of displaying on the screen.


Scaling factor for annotation fonts (default is 1.0).

Default: 1.0


Write figure to file at DPI dots per inch (default is 1000).

Default: 1000

Miscellaneous options


Will disable showing progress bars (helpful if stdout is going to a file).

Default: True


Do not plot the data (for noninteractive use)

Default: True


Will disable normalization of the mutual information function.

Default: True


Use NPROCS worker processes for multiprocessing. Setting NPROCS to less than 1 sets the number of worker processes to n_cpus - 1.

Default: 1

Debugging options


Enable additional debugging output.

Default: False


Print out more debugging information

Default: False