

Calculate per-column ICC(3,1) on a set of text files.


One or more two dimensional text files, with quantities in the columns, and subjects in the rows


One dimensional text files with ICC, r, and e for each input quantity


Calculate per-column ICC(3,1) on a set of text files.

usage: calctexticc [-h] [--demedian] [--demean] [--nocache] [--debug]
                   datafile measurementlist outputroot

Positional Arguments


A comma separated list of 1 or more 2 dimensional text files. Each column is a distinct quantity. Each line in the file is a measurement on a subject.


A multicolumn value file of integers specifying how to group measurements. Each row is a subject, each column specifies the line numbers of the repeated measurement. Subject and measurement numbering starts at 0.


The root name for the output text files. Each distinct quantity will be in a separate row corresponding to the input file(s) columns.

Named Arguments


Subtract the median value from each map prior to ICC calculation.

Default: False


Subtract the mean value from each map prior to ICC calculation.

Default: False


Disable caching for the ICC calculation. This is a terrible idea. Don’t do this.

Default: False


Print out additional debugging information.

Default: False


Print out insane additional debugging information.

Default: False