

Generates a simulated rapidtide dataset.




Generate simulated fMRI data with known correlation parameters

usage: simdata [-h] [--lfopctfile FILE] [--lfolagfile FILE]
               [--lforegressor FILE] [--lfosamprate SAMPRATE]
               [--lfostarttime STARTTIME] [--resppctfile FILE]
               [--resplagfile FILE] [--respregressor FILE]
               [--respsamprate SAMPRATE] [--respstarttime STARTTIME]
               [--cardiacpctfile FILE] [--cardiaclagfile FILE]
               [--cardiacregressor FILE] [--cardiacsamprate SAMPRATE]
               [--cardiacstarttime STARTTIME] [--numskip SKIP]
               [--globalnoiselevel LEVEL] [--voxelnoiselevel LEVEL] [--debug]
               fmrifilename immeanfilename outputroot slicetimefile

Positional Arguments


Input NIFTI file name. An exemplar BOLD fMRI file with the target dimensions


Input NIFTI file name. 3D file with the mean value for each voxel


Root name for the output files.


Slice acquisition time file, either FSL format or BIDS sidecar.

Named Arguments


3D NIFTI file with the lfo amplitude in percent of mean at every point


3D NIFTI file with the lfo delay value in seconds at every point


The LFO regressor text file


The sample rate of the LFO regressor file, in Hz


The time delay, in seconds, into the lfo regressor file that matches the start time of the fmrifile. Default is 0.0


3D NIFTI file with the resp amplitude in percent of mean at every point


3D NIFTI file with the resp delay value in seconds at every point


The LFO regressor text file


The sample rate of the LFO regressor file, in Hz


The time delay, in seconds, into the resp regressor file that matches the start time of the fmrifile. Default is 0.0


3D NIFTI file with the cardiac amplitude in percent of mean at every point


3D NIFTI file with the cardiac delay value in seconds at every point


The LFO regressor text file


The sample rate of the LFO regressor file, in Hz


The time delay, in seconds, into the cardiac regressor file that matches the start time of the fmrifile. Default is 0.0


Use to simulate tr periods deleted during preprocessing

Default: 0


The variance of the noise common to every voxel. Default is 0.0

Default: 0.0


The variance of the voxel specific noise. Default is 0.0

Default: 0.0


Enable additional debugging output.

Default: False