




Extract summary timecourses from the regions in an atlas

usage: roisummarize [-h] [--samplerate FREQ | --sampletstep TSTEP]
                    [--numskip NPTS]
                    [--filterband {None,vlf,lfo,resp,cardiac,hrv_ulf,hrv_vlf,hrv_lf,hrv_hf,hrv_vhf,lfo_legacy}]
                    [--filterfreqs LOWERPASS UPPERPASS]
                    [--filterstopfreqs LOWERSTOP UPPERSTOP]
                    [--normmethod {None,percent,variance,stddev,z,p2p,mad}]
                    inputfilename templatefile outputfile

Positional Arguments


Text file containing one or more timeseries columns. Use [:COLSPEC] to select which column(s) to use, where COLSPEC is an integer, a column separated list of ranges, or a comma separated set of column names (if input file is BIDS). Default is to use all columns


Text file containing one or more timeseries columns. Use [:COLSPEC] to select which column(s) to use, where COLSPEC is an integer, a column separated list of ranges, or a comma separated set of column names (if input file is BIDS). Default is to use all columns


Name of the output text file.

Named Arguments


Timecourses in file have sample frequency FREQ (default is 1.0Hz) NB: –samplerate and –sampletstep) are two ways to specify the same thing.

Default: auto


Timecourses in file have sample timestep TSTEP (default is 1.0s) NB: –samplerate and –sampletstep) are two ways to specify the same thing.

Default: auto


Skip NPTS initial points to get past T1 relaxation.

Default: 0


Enable additional debugging output.

Default: False

Filtering options


Possible choices: None, vlf, lfo, resp, cardiac, hrv_ulf, hrv_vlf, hrv_lf, hrv_hf, hrv_vhf, lfo_legacy

Filter timecourses to specific band. Use “None” to disable filtering. Default is “None”.

Default: “None”


Filter timecourses to retain LOWERPASS to UPPERPASS. If –filterstopfreqs is not also specified, LOWERSTOP and UPPERSTOP will be calculated automatically.


Filter timecourses to with stop frequencies LOWERSTOP and UPPERSTOP. LOWERSTOP must be <= LOWERPASS, UPPERSTOP must be >= UPPERPASS. Using this argument requires the use of –filterfreqs.

Normalization options


Possible choices: None, percent, variance, stddev, z, p2p, mad

Demean and normalize timecourses using one of the following methods: “None” - demean only; “percent” - divide by mean; “variance” - divide by variance; “stddev” or “z” - divide by standard deviation; “p2p” - divide by range; “mad” - divide by median absolute deviation. Default is “None”.

Default: “None”